- Sunrise:
- Sunset:
Partly cloudy, with the odd shower, possibly heavy, easing this evening. Northwesterlies, easing at night.
A few showers, possibly heavy and thundery with hail for a time in the afternoon, clearing in the evening. Light winds.
Mainly fine, chance of a shower. Easterlies developing.
For more detailed weather information visit MetService.
Marine Recreational Forecasts - Hawke Bay
Area Description:
Inshore waters between Cape Kidnappers and Portland Island.
A showery westerly flow dominates over the country today and on Monday. A ridge builds over much of the country on Tuesday. A low approaches from the Tasman Sea late on Tuesday with an active front reaching Fiordland Tuesday night, moving rapidly across much of the country on Christmas Day. The low then crosses over the country on Thursday.
Sunday: Northeast 15 knots, turning northerly 15 knots this morning. Rising to northeast 20 knots for a time this afternoon and evening. Sea becoming moderate for a time in the afternoon and evening. Partly cloudy. Isolated showers developing by midday. Easterly swell 1 metre.
Outlook until midnight Wednesday: Monday: Northerly 15 knots, easing to variable 5 knots in the morning. Partly cloudy. Easterly swell 1 metre, easing to half a metre. Tuesday: Variable 5 knots, becoming easterly 15 knots early. Fine. Easterly swell 1 metre dying out. Wednesday: Northeast 10 knots, easing to variable 5 knots early. Partly cloudy.
Marine Coastal Forecasts - Portland
Sunday : Northerly 25 knots, easing to 15 knots north of East Cape in the morning, and elsewhere in the evening. Rough sea easing. Northeast swell 2 metres, easing. Southwest swell 1 metre, easing. Fair visibility in a few afternoon showers.
Outlook following 3 days: Monday: Northwest 15 knots, becoming variable 10 knots but westerly 20 knots north of East Cape in the morning. Tuesday: Becoming variable 10 knots everywhere early. Wednesday: Becoming northerly 15 knots early.