Latest fromWairoa
Employees laid off weeks after returning to work
More than 100 workers at Affco's Wairoa meatworks have been laid off, just weeks after returning to work.
Mayor, police and MP to meet over gang violence
Wairoa police will meet with the town's mayor and the local MP next week after the second gang-related shooting in five days.
Police out as Wairoa gangs clash
Police and the armed offenders squad will be out in force in the northern Hawke's Bay town of Wairoa tonight.
Woman police officer attacked by drunk driver
A woman police constable was attacked by a motorist she pulled over for drunken driving.
Six arrested after gang fight ends in shooting
Armed police remain on alert after a gang confrontation in Wairoa last night ended with a man being shot in the face.
Man died after choking on pie - Coroner
Bar patrons took a drunk man outside because they thought he was about to vomit, not realising he was choking on a pie, the coroner has found.
Dad discovers son's body two days after crash
Guy Sainsbury came across a group of people who had seen a vehicle 80m down a bank, and decided to look around the area himself.