Latest fromUnited Kingdom

A story worth telling
'This was my grandmother, a brilliant and much-loved woman. The story of the final 10 years of her life reveals a shocking truth about how Britain treats its old people.'

UK ponzi scheme took in £14m savings from 350 victims
To his clients, Terry Freeman had all the trappings of a multimillionaire City of London trader.

Pressure on guilty British MP to give up seat
A politician is under pressure to resign after becoming the first sitting MP in Britain to be convicted of expenses fraud.

The year ahead
Grab your diaries for Viva's essential guide to what everyone will be talking about in 2011. Here's to an eventful year.

Turning the tables
We're a nation of people who love our food and dining out — but do restaurateurs love us? Dionne Christian runs the rule over our eating habits.

Don't miss: Tropical Extravaganza
To mark the United Nations' International Year of Forests, the Royal Botanic Gardens will hold a Tropical Extravaganza celebrating the importance of tropical rainforests.

Listen up to Her Make Believe Band
Back home in NZ, the leads of Her Make Believe Band will go on tour soon. By Paula Yeoman.

<i>Deborah Coddington:</i> Gay or straight, it takes devotion to raise a child
What a mean-spirited bunch of commentators we've seen in this country, crawling out from under their rocks to spit upon the news that Sir Elton John became a father on Christmas Day.

Liam looks back in anger at Oasis songs Noel 'stole'
Long famed for their fisticuffs and slanging matches, the sibling rivalry between Liam and Noel Gallagher now includes allegations of plagiarism.

Interpol seeks NZer in Spanish probe
Interpol is hunting a former Auckland man suspected of masterminding a $2m European property scam...

AA: Safer roads, cars will reduce toll
Roads and vehicles must be "more forgiving" to curb a road toll which averages more than one death a day, the AA says. Figures released by the Ministry of Transport today show 371 people died on the roads over the past year.

BT accused of creating two-tier internet for UK
BT was yesterday accused of undermining one of the founding principles of the internet - that of "net neutrality" - by creating a two-tier system which would allow content providers to charge for a faster video delivery service.