Why the Mount's UV level isn't as blistering as it may appear
Popular beach's index sign to be fixed after showing high reading.
Popular beach's index sign to be fixed after showing high reading.
Pothole plague: The quality of roading is 'leaving a lot to be desired'.
Recruiters' top tips for overcoming age discrimination in the employment process.
Police were called to an Aria View property in Bethlehem on Sunday evening.
Visual journalists Alex Cairns and Andrew Warner share their top five videos from 2023.
Jean's partner, Bruce, died in 2022 after almost a decade of living with heart disease.
Emergency services were called to Aria Ave about 6.15pm Sunday.
One festivalgoer said the artists playing reminded her of her 'high school years'.
Thirteen Lotto players nationally won the Second Division prize money.
Kurt Bayer reports on the fast rise, and even faster fall, of an underworld kingpin.
Rachael Pratt said she had a 'very big chunk of flesh' removed from her leg.
The Bay of Plenty Times is looking back at some of the top stories of 2023.
'We are so very grateful for the amazing support', says foodbank manager.
The hip hop and R&B festival will come to Tauranga on Sunday.
The crowd of about 8500 was 'pretty well-behaved', the festival organiser says.
Crews from three fire stations fought the blaze.
Could we get some relief from a slowing economy and slow speed limits?
Safety advice for swimmers also follows slew of shark sightings in the area.
Plus, 'tonnes of shark sightings' in busy day for Bay of Plenty and Coromandel lifeguards.
Experts say these sighting are common this time of year.
'It’s going to hurt him for a long time ... for two young lives to be taken so tragically'
Inquiries into the circumstances of the crash are ongoing.
He would illegally buy the drugs using the dark web, paying for it with Bitcoin.
Bay of Plenty road toll drops but a top cop is not celebrating.
"This was my husband who had no reason to do this other than to satisfy his own sickness."
“It was the longest hours of my life.”
Broadcaster describes dramatic scenes to followers as shark cruises shallows.
And agencies are expecting an influx this holiday period.