Hot stuff! Summer starts to roll in
People across New Zealand have been basking in today's sunshine as the first weekend of summer did not disappoint.
People across New Zealand have been basking in today's sunshine as the first weekend of summer did not disappoint.
A newly-wed couple say they have been overlooked by Tauranga landlords more than 30 times over fears their cuisine would leave a lingering smell.
Billy Macfarlane has gone from living in a million-dollar Bay of Plenty mansion to the back room of his mother's house. Now he's waging war on P.
Speculation is rife that international street artist Banksy could be in Tauranga after two Banksy-styled artworks have been discovered on the walls of central city buildings.
New Zealand Rally Champion David Holder is throwing his weight behind a campaign to see a special friend take on the trip of a life
Marine enthusiast Nathan Pettigrew was kayaking near Rabbit Island when he noticed a large dorsal fin pop up in front of him.
Jason Matahiki was impaled by a meat hook at Affco's Rangiuru plant back in August 2014. File/Photo/A_180416NZHMSAFFCO4.JPG The fine
The two tracks leading to the summit of Mauao at Mount Maunganui will be closed for at least a week from Monday. Tauranga City Council
By Ruth Keber The iconic new Wairoa Bridge. Photos/Supplied 281116RK01BOP.JPG 281116RK02BOP.JPG 281116RK03BOP.JPGBlair Johnston
The couple who bought a luxurious Mount Maunganui property for $5.7 million paid Tauranga's top residential sale for 2016.
When the house was inspected, a significant gas leak was found in an upstairs pipe connected to the cooker.
CONFUSED: Freedom camper Franz Zumpe says council signs are confusing. PHOTO/GEORGE NOVAK 221116gn03bop.JPG By Scott K MacLeod and
A man has appeared in court charged with the murder of a pregnant Opotiki woman last night.
Government's plan to sell hundreds of state houses to NGOs has hit another hurdle.
Man suffers leg and arm injuries in machete attack.
An American tourist was hit and killed by a truck in Tauranga after booking a cycling tour while visiting the city on the cruise ship Celebrity Solstice.
The abolition of secret briefings has been labelled dubbed a victory for democracy by re-elected Tauranga city councillor Rick Curach. He
Caption: Austin Shooter/Slack, 6, was enjoying the sunny weather down at the Mount yesterday. Photo/George Novak 211116gn13bop.JPG Temperatures
Tauranga MP Simon Bridges will never forget the shaking of aftershocks or seeing firsthand the immense damage caused by the South
Caption: Gloria Goepel and Sharron Taylor at the lucky Papamoa Pak'n Save. Photo/Andrew Warner 171116aw01bop.JPG A $500,000 winning
Drivers travelling along SH 29A in Maungatapu, Tauranga should expect delays and congestion following a crash.
For some Aucklanders, moving to Tauranga is finding bliss. For others, it turns to disappointment as they struggle to find jobs.
Tourism is booming in Whakatane. Latest statistics show travellers to the region injected 115 million dollars into the local economy last year. That's an increase of 20 percent over the last three years. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
by David Porter[Temp photo until David finds some real people] Mount Maunganui and Papamoa Ray White Realty Focus franchise owner
no vid FULL MOON: A picture of the moon taken by photographer Cynthia Qiu. PHOTO/CYNTHIA QIU 141116ACW01bop Local astronomers and p
by Kiri GillespieSimone Anderson (left) from The Incubator and judge and punk legend Rocky Horror Picture Show's Richard O'Brien join
HB v Horowhenua-KapitiFurlong Cup cricket Captain Jacob Smith celebrated his return to full health with a century as the Hawke's
The efforts of three girls to help homeless families has been "trampled on" after items they had fundraised for were stolen from a car.
Rare November snow is forecast for the South Island with road snowfall warnings issued for some alpine passes.
I was proud to be American. I was sure Hillary Clinton would win. It was unimaginable that such a dangerous buffoon could defeat