Kids and screens: Parents 'robbing kids of childhood'
Child psychotherapist highlights the dangers of small children being addicted to devices.
Child psychotherapist highlights the dangers of small children being addicted to devices.
Cancian said there was no physical money transferred and it was just paper transactions.
Former P addict Rachel Axis speaks out about her past. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Former P addict Rachel Axis speaks out about her past. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Hapu have gone to the High Court to get the wreckage of the Rena off Astrolabe Reef.
Future looks bright for community gardens after Tauranga councillor admits error.
A luxury home building company has gone into liquidation.
Stacey Roche celebrates her 40th by walking up Mauao. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Stacey Roche celebrates her 40th by walking up Mauao. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Barbara Rowe's tireless volunteer efforts for the community.
Smoke alarms give enough warning to allow family to escape.
Tauranga residents evacuated from their Bella Vista homes meet with council.
New Zealand's roads have recorded a grizzly amount of fatalities in just four days.
Three Port workers worried about fumes took themselves to hospital on Thursday.
Cyclone Hola brought lashings of rain but little of the forecast severe gales.
Busy port and Australian gangs the targets of new police squad in Tauranga.
A car caught on fire on the Wairoa Bridge today.
The woman fatally hit by a car in Tauranga's CBD has been named.
Husband cycles 300km to raise money for Waipuna Hospice. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Midwives will personally deliver hundreds of letters to Health Minister David Clark.
The Maritime Union has linked the hospitalisations to methyl bromide exposure.
Driver who crashed after fleeing police in stolen car seeks discharge without conviction.
Increased demand has let to more flights to and from Tauranga.
All three arrived at Tauranga Hospital from the Port of Tauranga this afternoon.
Little Aurora has to wait three months before she gets the all-clear.
Only two polytechnics report significantly more students this year despite free fees.
Name suppression of man who killed 14-week-old Richard Royal Uddin lifted.