Fatally crushed: Coronial inquest begins into Mount Maunganui tragedy
Coroner apologises to whānau of man killed in workplace accident after seven-year 'delay'.
Coroner apologises to whānau of man killed in workplace accident after seven-year 'delay'.
Landlords can lease properties to the Government through a Community Housing Provider.
Dama wallabies are spreading from Rotorua to the Waikato.
Heavy rain watches are also coming into force for the North Island's upper east.
50m pool, supermarket, shops, 15,000 jobs and 11,000 new homes to be built nearby
The group believes medium-high density housing will address housing crisis and traffic.
Comments come after fighting erupted at senior match.
Stephanie Peeni has been looking for a rental property for two months.
Volunteers believe the small plastic balls come from the Rena wreckage near Tauranga.
Commissioners meet the community on their own whenua. Made with funding from NZ on Air.
The man died after a small boat capsized in the river mouth on Saturday.
Bridges claimed "patched gang members had taken over the entrance" to hospital.
"This is not the first time something like this has happened" - Armageddon organiser.
The area will be replanted with harakeke varieties unique to the area and used for weaving
OPINION: It's time to call out the racists and educate them about their ignorance.
'You just need them, it is like having toilet paper'.
Look out for these locals at the Armageddon expo. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Opinion: Traffic delays are bad for liveability and productivity, but also for emissions.
NZ is 'the only place in the world where you can play to huge crowds'.
There is a range of events on throughout Tauranga to enjoy and celebrate this Matariki.
A posthumous award, an artist and politicians are among those recognised.
A deepening low is set to dampen our long weekend spirits.
Get the most out of Tauranga City Council's new bins. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
OPINION: My Poppa is my identity to te ao Māori
MP 'furious' and community has 'immense anger' after highway funding axed.
Profit is not a dirty word, says this champion of the mixed ownership business model.
National Party selection processes need to be more robust, says leader.
Shocking number of cases over the last decade.
Jared Lammas was sentenced to four years and five months in prison.