'Severe weather': Antarctic blast set to hit on weekend
Snow and cold winds will make travelling difficult and stress livestock.
Snow and cold winds will make travelling difficult and stress livestock.
Auckland GP alarmed to be caught up in homegrown con.
Principals' leader stirs up a storm by advocating cannabis legalisation.
A Waverley resident shared a photo of the dark brown water that had come from their tap.
'It's something we have either personally battled with or has affected those close to us.'
Anxious Auckland parents are still wary about sending kids back to school.
Parents told in email on Wednesday that Stuart MacAlpine had said yes to another job.
Catholic school sparks legal row by taking sides on cannabis and euthanasia.
Aaron Laurence was serving a lengthy prison sentence for sexual abuse.
Shaw says $11.7m funding to Taranaki Green School was 'an error of judgment'.
Students would not be allowed back at school if the risk was too big, says Chris Hipkins.
National signals a looser approach to school zoning and would fund roll growth.
National says the Government needs to check whether taxpayers have to 'swallow the rat'.
A woman died in Kaitaia and a pedestrian was killed in the South Island.
James Shaw has been warned by own party to pull support for a wealthy private school.
The officers now face another manslaughter charge in relation to the incident.
Rāhui on Hāwera's Tawhiti Stream to remain until it is returned to full health.
Thunderstorms will hit western areas again early on Tuesday morning.
The charges came after a man died in the town of Korito last night.
Police called to incident at Korito 16km south of New Plymouth.
The Road Ahead finds businesses and politicians working flat out - and a nation spending.
One the day before the murder, Colin Thompson said he was going to shoot his landlord.
Rain will hit the country from Tuesday and see out the week.
Ngāti Rangi chairman Whetu Moataane says he doesn't know why regions aren't shut already.
A class trip to Rotorua happened at the same time as family members with Covid-19 visited.
'Got out of Auckland, no border stops at all.'
Faith-based integrated schools, not private schools, are strongest in the NZ Parliament.
Aussies can't come here, but their lows can.
The officers will continue to fight to keep their names secret.
Goblin forests, New Zealand history and a shrine to Elvis - Taranaki has it all.