Danish renewables developer shifts offshore focus to Waikato
The developer is looking at the feasibility of offshore wind power generation in NZ.
The developer is looking at the feasibility of offshore wind power generation in NZ.
Te Pahunga Davis says Taranaki's iwi-Māori health partnership board has barely got started
The victim was mistakenly believed to be a member of a rival gang, the Mongrel Mob.
A trail of feathers across Waikato has people scratching their heads for answers.
Family say they will always "value" former All Black who made it to 100 as a great father
He was 'yahooing' out his window before he drove through a red light and hit the woman.
One of Contact Energy's peakers will be out of action until 2025.
New house sales figures show where to grit your teeth — and where to get a bargain.
But her efforts made a lawyer suspicious, so he called in an expert.
Kaitlyn Baker had only complained of an earache. Now a Coroner is investigating.
The unveiling is happening 40 years after the racehorse made history.
Judge hearing case expresses sympathy to family for 'terrible event'.
The Crown had breached the Treaty of Waitangi in relation to Taranaki Maunga.
The man wanted a sentence that would allow him to move to Australia to be with his family.
Mystery surrounds the appearance of a skull carved into the sandstone cliffs.
Sleeping stratovolcano Mt Taranaki could erupt with scant warning, new study suggests.
Taranaki’s eight iwi have voted overwhelmingly to approve the redress deal.
Jacob Ramsay was beaten, chained to a car and towed along a tanker track.
Jacob Ramsay was beaten, chained to a car and towed along a tanker track.
Jacob Ramsay was beaten, chained to a car and dragged to his death.
The victim was beaten, chained to a car and dragged along a tanker track.
An analysis of your team's chances of winning the Log of Wood this season.
A strong wind watch is in place for Northland and Auckland.
Concerns about the oil and gas industry included physical land disturbance, pollution.
"Please, please don’t, I’m only 15, I’m 15, please stop," the victim pleaded.
The offending undermined New Zealand's immigration system worldwide, a judge says.
Home detention is not appropriate given the seriousness of the crime, the Crown stated.
The offending spanned two years and continued even after he was arrested for the crimes.
'You don’t need to do this, you know, it’s not too late,' the man pleaded with the killer.