Southern DHB reaches 90% full vaccination against Covid-19
The Ministry of Health said the board passed the milestone this morning.
The Ministry of Health said the board passed the milestone this morning.
Officials regard the remote wilderness setting as a high risk.
The teen appeared at the Invercargill District Court this morning.
Vaccine passes are not needed in the majority of its public facilities.
It has cost him his home and his community.
It would be used as private accommodation for up to 50 days a year.
Asha and Scott Carr have transformed an old Ohai classroom into a fitness centre.
The woman discovered another set of documents on top of her own.
Historic evidence, which was never heard during the murder trial, can be revealed.
"He was always there... a very great man."
Four years ago, anti-coal activist Carol Cudby Robinson moved to coal town Ohai.
Police were notified about 12.20pm that a boat was in trouble in Bluff Harbour.
Few were left untouched by the deadliest war in history.
Ilka Beekhuis described Covid vaccinations as 'unethical, and medically unnecessary'.
Embattled Invercargill Mayor has again found himself at odds with his council.
Fancy a busman's holiday to Dusky Sound?
It is expected today's relaxation of restrictions in Auckland would see cases grow.
Southland mayors have combined for over $130,000 in ratepayer-funded spending.
Some farmers said they had not been vaccinated yet due to the busy time at their farms.
South Island poised to get its first international cable.
"We're best in the country at a lot of things. Let's be best at being vaccinated."
The stoush began over a large sign made out of power poles.
Cancellation will have a "huge effect" on Gore and the wider community.
The boy was found dead in his bed by his mother in October 2015.
Virus-fighting antibodies linger in Kiwi Covid-19 patients nearly a year after infection.
He submerged her head under water for seven seconds, using his weight to press her down.
The Invercargill mayor welcomes news Gary Tong will run for his job at the next election.
Some locals believe old herbicides are buried at the 50- to 60-year-old site.
Gore Mayor Tracy Hicks and Southland Mayor Gary Tong want to get farmers vaccinated.
Ton Crooymans was ordered to remove his sign less than 24 hours after it was erected.