Latest fromRelationships & Sex

Judge: Time to let gay couples adopt
The acting head judge of the Family Court has called for gay and lesbian couples to be given rights to adopt children.

<i>Noelle McCarthy</i>: Love's true challenge is hard to handle
In her first turn as agony aunt, Noelle tries to get to the bottom of a love-hate conundrum.

Women outraged by 'humiliating' marriage scheme
Protests over scheme offering financial incentives for men to marry widows.

Sarah Palin resigned due to marital troubles, says Levi Johnston
Sarah Palin quit her job due to marital problems claims former fiancé of Palin's daughter.

Rude awakenings
Every parent deserves to recharge their batteries - be it an afternoon nap if the opportunity arises, or a night free from the mummy-daddy alarm clock.

Thank you very much?
Dita De Boni considers Michael Laws' opinions on the KidsCan charity - recipient of this weekend's Telethon donations.

NZ inventor launches $1000 ovulation detector in Britain
Device said to indicate a woman's most fertile days in her monthly menstrual cycle with 99 per cent accuracy.

Lazy Kiwi males lose points
Kiwi men are not doing enough around the house, but they're better than the Aussies.

What would Freud say?
Psychologist Sigmund Freud's theories make more sense to Dita De Boni now that she's a parent.

Sex without condoms can keep you sane - study
Scottish psychologist finds unprotected sex may prevent depression.

<i>Noelle McCarthy</i>: It's time to become an agony aunt
We're all worried lately. Worried about our jobs, and our houses, and our loves and our stuff.

Blameless babes
Dita De Boni on why we need to heed the Chief Justice's comments about early intervention.

Green around the gills
Scott Kara finds hangovers are a whole different ball game once you have kids...

Aussie males 'sensitive and romantic'
An internet survey has found the 'typical' Aussie bloke sees nothing wrong in a good cry and likes cooking at home.

Whose right to life?
Presently, in New Zealand, some 98 per cent of abortions are performed on the grounds that pregnancy is injurious to the mental health of the mother.