Latest fromRelationships & Sex

Poll: NZers against sending solo parents back to work
The Government is looking into the Welfare Working Group's recommendations on...

<i>Shelley Bridgeman:</i> Preparing for a post-oil world
Transition Towns - communities readying themselves for a post-petroleum world - are quietly popping up in New Zealand suburbs.

Justin Timberlake back with Jessica Biel - report
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are reportedly giving their relationship "another shot".

Theatre Review: Short+Sweet Theatre Festival, Week 1
Ten short plays by emerging actors take a conservative look at human relationships.

Cheryl Cole's ex-husband to propose again - reports
Cheryl Cole's ex-husband Ashley is planning to propose to her for a second time.

Schwarzenegger giving Shriver 'generous' settlement
Arnold Schwarzenegger is set to give Maria Shriver a "very generous divorce settlement".

Valerie Grant: Yes, we are different ... get over it
Both sexes should value each other's contribution, writes Valerie Grant.

Cheryl Cole reunites with ex-husband
Cheryl Cole reunited with her ex-husband Ashley Cole at her birthday bash on Friday night.

<i>Dita De Boni:</i> One pregnant lady wanting a seat
One thing neither women nor men do anymore, it seems, is give up a seat to a pregnant lady.

Cinema's grande dame: Catherine Deneuve
At 67, French screen legend Catherine Deneuve embodies the essence of growing old gracefully. Helen Barlow surveys the life and loves of the star and talks to her about her new film, a feminist comedy.

Peter Huck: Game-changer in gay marriage rights
In a presidential election season, politicians will find their stance on same-sex couples will be critical.

Rachel Weisz gets home ready for new husband
Rachel Weisz has given her home a makeover ready for new husband Daniel Craig to move in.

Broadsides: Are NZ's parental leave provisions adequate?
Labour's Jacinda Ardern and National's Nikki Kaye on New Zealand's parental leave provisions.

Anna Paquin faces 'prejudice' due to bisexuality
Anna Paquin faces a lot of "prejudice" because she's bisexual.

Former Miss World expecting her first child
Bollywood star and former Miss World Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is expecting a baby with her husband Abhishek Bachchan.

Wanted: any-size men but slender women only
A speed dating event advertising a night for "slender" women has been slammed by one woman.

Charlie Sheen dumped once more
Charlie Sheen has been dumped by his girlfriend Natalie Kenly.

Kate Moss digs through mud for $27,700 ring
Kate Moss lost her $27,700 engagement ring while partying at the Glastonbury Festival.

<i>Dita De Boni:</i> Is it ok to be a slut?
As a typical lefty liberal, I defend the right of any woman to walk anywhere at night and be completely unmolested.

Kim Kardashian to be married in August - reports
Kim Kardashian is reportedly going to get married in early August.

Unlucky in love... and that's just fine
Superstar Clooney can always get the girls, but they somehow never seem to stick around.

<i>Scott Kara:</i> Road rage on the school run
Chaos outside the school gate is nothing new, but on a busy road, it's quite something.