Latest fromRelationships & Sex

Solo dad: 'I'm not a second-class citizen'
Do solo dads get a fair go in New Zealand? Members of the public have been having their say.

Kim Kardashian's husband, the new 'Kate Middleton'
Kim Kardashian's new husband has been given the nickname 'Kate Middleton'.

Emma Watson's boyfriend moves in with her dad
Emma Watson has moved her new boyfriend into her dad's house.

<i>Shelley Bridgeman:</i> Bad bosses
I initially thought that all the interest in bad managers was triggered by the release of the movie Horrible Bosses.

Will Smith and wife Jada to split?
Hollywood power couple Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith have called it quits, according to a tabloid report.

10,000 parents seek post-quake help for traumatised children
Reactions included bed-wetting, tantrums, disruption to sleep and eating patterns and nightmares.

Top tips to avoid 'family fatigue'
Children need time and space just to play - if not they'll end up psychologically damaged, says a British parenting writer.

<i>Dita De Boni:</i> Won't somebody think of the children?
The extreme cosseting of our children was highlighted by the recently-aborted 'Abstain for the Game' campaign.

Kimberly Stewart & Benicio del Toro welcome a daughter
It’s a girl for Kimberly Stewart and Benicio del Toro! The daughter of rocker Rod Stewart gave birth on Sunday.

Disastrous first dates go viral on Twitter
First dates can be hell - and if you're part of one, there's now a chance the experience could be immortalised on Twitter.

<I>Shelley Bridgeman:</I> Signs on cars
Reactions to these signs continue to be polarised. Some people wouldn't be seen dead with one on their vehicle while others rush to The Warehouse and snap them up.

Tracey Barnett: Technology stifling people's empathy
Our unconscious ability to read people and make snap judgments is threatened by technology's impersonal nature.

<i>Scott Kara:</i> Taking a break from the kids
The most important mission when it comes to being child-free for a few days is doing it as a couple.

J-Lo, Marc Anthony split over Scientology - report
Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony split after failing to "see eye-to-eye" on Scientology.

The trouble with good-looking people
Study finds people blessed with more symmetrical facial features are more likely to selfishly focus on their own interests.

The divorce hotel: Check in to split up
A Dutchman's innovation offers weekend package deals for dissolving marriages.

<i>Shelley Bridgeman:</i> Fluctuating web fascinations
By 10pm my web surfing tastes are about as lowbrow as it's possible to be.

BFF just a bully in disguise
'Friendship bullying' is rife among female high school students with nearly half of Kiwi girls saying they have been bullied by their mates.

When the apron strings are bound too tight
What happens when parents try to control the lives of their adult children?

Glee star emotionally open because of wife
Jane Lynch says her wife helped her be a more emotionally open person.