The greener grass in a second-time dad's backyard
Growing a family is a serious business. So is growing a lawn. Alan Perrott, a second-time dad, explains the important connection.
Growing a family is a serious business. So is growing a lawn. Alan Perrott, a second-time dad, explains the important connection.
The subject of platonic relationships between members of the opposite gender is fascinating but not everyone believes in the idea that a man and a woman can share a friendship devoid of any sexual attraction or chemistry.
Britain's dominatrix business is booming, with S&M chic back in fashion and 'bondage pop' riding high in the charts. But what is life really like for the professionals and their slaves?
Ashton Kutcher cheated on his wife and Carrie Bradshaw was dumped on a post-it. Here's a host of ways to call a relationship quits.
Texting has changed the dating process, adding a whole new element to contend with in courtship.
Should authorities start sharing information about New Zealand children so they can be better protected?
Squabbling siblings driving you mad? An expert offers tips to help keep the peace.
Despite popular belief, the arrival of a baby doesn't have to compromise your home, career, sleep, relationships, social life or sense of self.
Work as a professional "sexual assistant" treads a thin line between a caring profession and prostitution.
Buckingham Palace said the wedding of Zara Phillips and Mike Tindall was a private family affair, but the cost of guarding the guest list came in at nearly half a million pounds.
Breaking up is hard to do. But what's the protocol if a marriage falls apart in the early days like the recent Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries union?
Can someone literally be scared to death or die of a broken heart? Short answer: Yes.
Coaxing children and loved ones to confide their true feelings can be challenging. But it’s a skill that therapists use every day. They share their tips and techniques with Lena Corner.
Father-in-law gags aren't heard of, but mother-in-laws, they're the stuff of legends and rom-coms. However, turns out they're not all that bad.
Marni Kotak gave the performance of her life when she gave birth to baby Ajax in a New York City art gallery recently.
Senior sex expert Joan Price challenges anybody who cringes at the idea of older adults having sex.
British study finds a summer or autumn birth is a key determinant of a child's wellbeing.
Science appears to show that we like people who smell different, but not too different, writes the Independent's Alice Azania-Jarvis.
It seems to me there's a growing backlash against breastfeeding.
At some point today, a child will be born who will bring the world's population to seven billion.
When the language of love is lost in translation, Kiwi travellers are jumping online to sustain relationships.
More colour than an NRL playing strip was on display when Warrior Brett Seymour wed Roseanne Hogan yesterday.
Women with feminine looks are more likely to long for lots of children, a study has found.
Thinking I was doing everyone a favour, I suggested a family-friendly meal at a Cobb & Co. restaurant.