Latest fromRelationships & Sex

Bombing victim to wed nurse
A man who received serious shrapnel wounds in the Boston bombing is set to marry the nurse who helped him through his recovery.

Rebecca Kamm: The male friendship crisis
Sociologist Lisa Wade says white heterosexual men have fewer friends than any other demographic, despite their yearning for closer platonic connections with other men.

Are baldies more virile?
While testosterone does cause baldness, the difference between bald men and non-bald men relates to how the testosterone signal is received in the hair follicle.

Dangers of tiny irritations
Most of us assume that it’s the big issues that drive a couple apart. But those minor irritations can all add up, says relationships expert Andrew G Marshall.

Female Viagra drug may never happen (+video)
The 15-year search for a pill that boosts sexual desire in women has hit another roadblock.

Rebecca Kamm: Happy relationship = better body image (+other women's studies)
Rebecca Kamm shares the latest in ladies' studies covering body image, sexy ads and the secret skills of red heads.

Civil-union poster couple part
Award-winning musician Anika Moa has separated from her civil-union partner Angela Fyfe.

Sexy ads turn women off
Research shows that while women do exhibit negative reactions to sexual imagery, this diminishes for high value products.

Men and women wired differently
A new study has confirmed that men and women's brains are wired in completely different ways, as if they were species from different planets.

Male contraceptive pill getting closer
It will be at least 10 years before people can use it but the aim is to develop a pill that temporarily prevents sperm from leaving a man's body.

Oh to be in England now that sex is there
Four women - and one man - add their experiences and reactions to the sensational British sex survey out this week.

Viagra doesn't improve relationships - study
Many men said their lives or relationships hadn't improved significantly after taking the drugs despite them often being seen as a cure-all.

Couples who drink (or abstain) together, stay together
Is alcohol and marriage a toxic combination? That depends on who is doing the drinking and how much, according to a recent study.

Love in the face of death
Former TV host Helena McAlpine and boyfriend Chris Barton share their extraordinary love story with Suzanne McFadden.

Facebook predator jailed
A Facebook predator who duped teenage boys into online relationships has been sentenced to two years and two months in prison.

Time to learn mobile phone manners - expert
Everyone's seen it, heard it - or yes, likely done it. We're talking about boorish behaviour on mobile phones.

Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr get spiritual to save marriage
Orlando Bloom reportedly wants to attend a "marriage-saving retreat" with his wife Miranda Kerr.

Rebecca Kamm: The couple sharing their fights online
Every time Claire Meyer and Alan Linic have a fight, the pair tweet its trigger as a one-liner, and in doing so broadcast a dynamic we rarely get to witness.

Online predator's fake daughter
The woman who used fake online personas to dupe teenage boys made up a fictitious daughter to get money from one of her victims.

Ladies, practise the art of seduction: Dita Von Teese
Von Teese told Vogue she adheres to advice from a respected French female friend.

Sorry ladies, SBW's taken
Williams revealed on Instagram this week that he's in a relationship with aspiring model Alana Raffie, a Sydneysider of South African descent.

Family regather for funerals, wedding
A family ripped apart by tragedy will regather today for a wedding - just five days after two of the wedding party were swept out to sea and drowned.