Latest fromRelationships & Sex

It's a lock-down, moggy
Cat owners are using new technology to impose strict curfews and prevent the pets hunting at night.

A face only a mother could love
Ugly is in the eye of the beholder - especially for the judges of 29 dogs vying to win the annual Sonoma-Marin Fair's Ugly Dog Contest.

Woman on benefit despite $1m assets
A terminally-ill divorcee faces being evicted from her home despite being owed nearly $1 million, after her case was put off for three months while a judge is on holiday.

The mannequin in my life
It’s a truth universally acknowledged that every woman, no matter how successful, must be in want of a husband and family to feel complete.

Jill Goldson: Why couples need time apart
Once the balance of independence and intimacy has got out of kilter, then the predictable concerns arise, says Jill Goldson.

Married for 70 years - what's the secret?
Tom Sandford admits he has forgotten the details. Asked how he proposed to wife Carol 70 years ago, he pauses, before laughing heartily: "Oh, I can't remember."

Work's going to the dogs
Most work days, you'll find Harry, Ziggy and Jed at their central Auckland office enjoying long naps on the couch or under their desks and later taking relieving afternoon strolls.

Apology after family dog euthanised
A Dunedin family has received an apology from the Dunedin City Council after it euthanised the family's beloved pet dog.

About that dog story ...
The owner of a world-famous dog found floating on a log near Great Barrier Island this week has spoken - and this fishy dog's tale is not all it seemed.

Jane Goodall: On a crusade
becoming an octogenarian has only ramped up Jane Goodall’s globe-trekking schedule, because there’s far too much to be done to pause for a breather.

How to split up & stay friends
You might have fallen out of love but, as celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin prove, that’s no reason to fall out, says Victoria Lambert.

Why 'doggie daycare' is so popular
More Auckland pet owners are turning to "doggie daycare" options that offer door-to-door service and activities including agility and search and retrieval classes.

Gruesome cat deaths disturb residents
Several gruesome dead cats have been found this week draped over the rail guard and fences near the main road leading to Tapora, east of Kaipara Harbour.

Jill Goldson: 6 ways to be a better friend
Here are 6 top maintenance rules governing how we can be better and kinder friends to our friends.

Dita De Boni: When family pets are people too
Dita De Boni writes: I once swore we'd get pets for the kids "over my dead body", yet here I am, looking at a fish tank containing the three newest members of the household: Hammerhead, Fishey and Wuzzley.

Weed alters sperm shape
Smoking cannabis can reduce a man's fertility by altering the size and shape of his sperm, research has shown.

Divorce could make children fat - study
Norwegian research showed the children of a divorced couple are 1.54 times more likely to be overweight than children with married parents.

Talk to the Animals: 5 alternative therapies for pets
Ultimately the goal is for a full and speedy recovery for your pet, regardless of how it is achieved. Here are 5 alternative options.

De Niro puts his father's conflicted life on film
Robert De Niro has discussed the difficulties his father, the artist Robert De Niro snr, faced coming to terms with his homosexuality.

Jill Goldson: Top 5 complaints of couples who live together
Relationship expert Jill Goldson reveals the five most common qualms of couples who live together, plus tips to resolve them.

Shelley Bridgeman: Why stay in a hotel at home?
"I suspect the reasons for checking into a hotel in your own city are likely to centre less on productivity and more on achieving privacy for unauthorised assignations."

Lee Suckling: A dry spell happens to the best of us
The mid-20s sexual slump, we'll call it, is particularly prevalent among urban professionals.

Talk to the Animals: Cat people Vs dog people
Join the debate: Are you a cat person or a dog person? State your case.

Experts arrive at first ever definition of premature ejaculation
Experts in sexual medicine from around the world have, for the first time, defined lifelong and acquired premature ejaculation.