Psychology of awkward texts
What's the most awkward text you've sent or received? We want to find the most cringey around the country.
What's the most awkward text you've sent or received? We want to find the most cringey around the country.
Each minute a couple spent together, things like height and shared hobbies became less important and the flow of their conversation became more important.
You're more likely to cheat when your spouse earns a lot more money than you do, writes Max Ehrenfreund.
Talking about people behind their backs might seem like an underhand activity that should be frowned upon by society, but it is what sets us our species apart, academics have claimed.
What's wrong with flirting? It shows emotional intelligence, says Kathryn Flett.
When it comes to dividing the labor at home fairly, straight couples may have a lot to learn from gay couples.
Pretty much the sole redeeming feature of writing about 'stray at home' dads is that it initiates discussion, replies NZ relationship expert Jill Goldson.
Loud sex is not just disruptive, it's the cruellest form of bragging, writes Rowan Pelling.
Despite being officially recognised as a woman in New Zealand, a transgender Kiwi has been told she cannot use her "female name" to register her marriage.
A handsome delivery man arrives offering more than just a pizza. A pretty young woman opens the door. Flirtation ensues. Clothes are cast off. Then out come the goggles.
In light of the fabulous Vanity Fair cover introducing Caitlyn Jenner, we address some of the key etiquette questions around trans people.
Chris Pratt and Anna Faris "developed feelings" for each other while she was still married to Ben Indra.
The world’s most admired writers and poets have long extolled its virtues. Here, Yvonne Van Dongen explains why she’d take friendship - old and new - over romance any day.
In light of the appalling wedding behaviour that will do the social media rounds for days to come, here are ten specific etiquette rules to attending a wedding.
A Dutch couple are two months through their nine-month tour of NZ, but not everything has gone to plan.
Her smile says 'congratulations' but her eyes say something else. The wedding photo that went viral, for all the wrong reasons.
The ministry released updated guidelines on sexuality education today, for the first time focusing on decision-making around sex and cultural differences.
I have just one question, writes Shelley Bridgeman. Where’s the wife bonus when you need it? Okay, two questions: Can they be backdated?
Question: "Why is it, when a lesbian couple marries, one wears a dress and the other wears pants (usually a tuxedo-like suit)?"
Polly Phillips says there's no shame in receiving a handout instead of having a job - it's what feminists have urged for years.
New results from a nationwide survey show Kiwi women would most prefer cooking an indulgent meal for two during the chilly winter months.
It seems absurd for people to be allergic to semen - the basis of human reproduction. But an expert says he's found that up to 12 per cent of women may have the condition.
When and how, in the minefield of marital communication, can you have these conversations without them ending in a terrific, door-slamming row?
They run their Upper East Side homes like domestic CEOs, work tirelessly to improve their family's social standing and now want an annual perk from their husbands.
A new study suggests that the love hormone, oxytocin, has similar effects to being drunk, and not just the more pleasant aspects of inebriation.
Jane Hawking tells Celia Walden how she remains good friends with her physicist ex-husband.
Sweet son Alex Lyngaas has secretly filmed his mother, Eva, for a year and crafted a video to help her find a boyfriend.
If the mythical creature that is the "good wife" is devoted and selfless and bakes Victoria sponge cakes to die for then who, honestly, does not occasionally fall short?
Are you tired of The Bachelor's fairytale illusions and want people to know the truth about being a single, straight woman in New Zealand?