Venue emails WAG to say wedding's off
Jilted WAG and beauty blogger Leah Shevlin has revealed how her footballer fiance called off their wedding just days before they were due to be married.
Jilted WAG and beauty blogger Leah Shevlin has revealed how her footballer fiance called off their wedding just days before they were due to be married.
A Wairoa pharmacist refuses to sell the emergency contraceptive pill over her counter because of personal beliefs.
OPINION: If you don't want to get caught, reverse these tips. But where's the fun in that, asks Sarah Williams.
All families have elements of dysfunction. This may range from homicidal violence to petty gossip and frustrations, writes Peter Lyons.
Psychologists weigh in on why you may always hold a flame for your high school crush.
Jeram and Ganga Ravji have been together for 81 years - and were betrothed to each other when they were just six years old.
Those in their 20s and 30s might want to be careful next time they go looking for love online - they might run into their parents.
The personality disorder that's more common than you might expect.
An English woman has been reunited with her American wartime lover for the first time in 71 years after he flew to Australia to see her.
Kim Dotcom's love life may have taken a twist fit for a rom-com on the eve of Valentine's Day.
Those in their 20s and 30s might want to be careful next time they go looking for love online - they might run into their parents.
Ahead of her Super Bowl appearance, Beyonce received 10,000 roses from her husband Jay Z.
As Valentines approaches, many of us are looking forward to a romantic night in. And creating the perfect meal - rife with aphrodisiacs - can get us in the mood for love.
It happens all the time at barbecues and dinner parties - married men joke about how little sex they're getting at home. Guys, it's time to stop.
A survey reveals what we want and how we plan to celebrate this designated day for love.
Don't get me wrong. I'm a lover, not a hater, but to me, a commercialised, Americanised Valentine's Day misses the point, writes Lizzie Marvelly.
Romantic getaways are on the agenda for many Kiwis as Valentine's Day fast approaches.
The surprising number of couples over 50 happily living without sex.
OPINION: They're hiding behind witty one liners and filtered selfies, ready to bring you all manner of mortifying moments.
The problems in your office could come down to the presence of these personality types.
When it comes to romance, it seems Kiwis have the best of intentions - although we might not always follow through.
"You'd be hard pressed to find a teen that hasn't been asked to send a naked or semi-naked photo of themselves in New Zealand."
If you are in your first few blissful years of marriage, you might want to look away now.
While the spark may have gone from your union, all is not necessarily lost, writes Andrew Marshall.