Study reveals health concern over grooming pubic hair
A new study has found a link between pubic hair grooming and sexually transmitted infections.
A new study has found a link between pubic hair grooming and sexually transmitted infections.
A 33-year-old woman struck up a relationship with her late husband's 32-year-old daughter after he died in October 2010.
Taxpayers are not happy about Prince Harry defying royal policy for his girlfriend Meghan Markle.
This newlywed left her husband behind to embark on a whirlwind honeymoon alone. And she reckons it's one of the best things she's done
They locked eyes for the first time just two days ago, but fans are already angling for Prince Harry and Rihanna to get together.
The world's most dangerous infectious disease epidemic of the modern era is reviving, but are we prepared in New Zealand?
COMMENT: In some parts of the world, girls are forced to miss school when they have their periods. Places like Kenya, Ghana, Ethiopia and. . . New Zealand.
A Waikato farm girl who took to social media to find love has turned down 500 offers from potential suiters for a chance to appear on reality TV.
She spends hours a day on Tinder, has 250 matches, but has only met one of them.
A groom-to-be has banned his fiancée's best friend from being a bridesmaid at their wedding because 'she is not attractive'.
A young man chained his girlfriend to himself and forced her to sleep on the floor of the internet cafe while he played League of Legends.
An 18-year-old concerned about her parents facing eviction is auctioning her virginity in a bid to raise enough money to buy them a home.
Here are the top ten things you and your partner should have in common if you're destined for a successful union.
One bride-to-be refused to let being accused on infidelity ruin her wedding day.
Traditional one-one-one relationships are being replaced with "seeing" several people as daters unwilling to commit keep their options open, says a new study.
He worked on their honeymoon, through celebrations and during the birth of their child. But having a career-obsessed husband isn't without benefits, says Lola Borg.
No sex on parked motorcycles, no nudity in hotel rooms and absolutely no 'arousing' chili sauce in prison.
A husband who suspected his wife was cheating on him used a 'voodoo curse' to catch the adulterous couple in the act.
Very pretty women can't trust straight men who will try to 'sexually exploit' them.
Prince Harry's new girlfriend, Meghan Markle, has penned a revealing letter for Elle magazine about the conflicting elements in her life.
Shelley Bridgeman reviews some of our favourite fairy tales and discusses whether or not they promote a misogynistic world view.
Prince Harry was left red-faced in front of 300 guests thanks to an awkward remark by Antigua's PM, Gaston Browne.
From saggy "moobs" to a weak bladder and hair loss, here's what causes the changes in a man's body as he ages.
Turns out not all affairs take place in the bedroom as infidelity private investigator reveals.
COMMENT: When the honeymoon period is over, the couple's bed can become a battlefield, writes Tash Bell.
Caitlin is six months pregnant and joined Tinder to find a new partner. While she sees it as "having a life", others haven't been so supportive.
A group of Italian hotels is offering free accommodation to couples who conceive during their stay, in a bid to boost the country's low birthrate.
It is meant to be the happiest day of your life, but as these stories prove, a lot can go wrong on your wedding day.
It's one of the most important questions you will ever ask, but what happens if the love of your life rejects your proposal?