Latest fromPets & Animals

Zoo Tales: Cheeky Ned the Kaka

Zoo Tales: Cheeky Ned the Kaka

New Zealand native bird, the Kaka, is one of bird keeper Sarah Anderson’s favourites – especially cheeky Ned. Join Sarah in the Forest aviary for an early more cashew with a Kaka. 5 January

Zoo Tales: Rainbow lorikeets

Zoo Tales: Rainbow lorikeets

Our colourful rainbow lorikeets have moved into their walkthrough aviary in the new Strangely Beautiful Australia - watch as zookeeper Deja Rivera introduces us to these noisy and inquisitive birds!

Zoo Tales: Kea

Zoo Tales: Kea

Kea are the world's only alpine parrot, one of the most intelligent birds and unique to Aotearoa. Find out more about these creative and noisy parrots.

Zoo Tales: Galapagos Tortoise

Zoo Tales: Galapagos Tortoise

Both in their mid-forties –Smiley and Chippie are spring chickens considering Galapagos tortoises can live to be over 150 years old! Learn more about these gentle giants from keeper Sarah.