Five ways to make sure your dog has a happy holiday season
They call it the silly season for a reason – but that doesn't mean you should be so silly
They call it the silly season for a reason – but that doesn't mean you should be so silly
A local man who had helped hand-rear the ducklings called the incident "savage".
The sub-Antarctic penguin breeding season has waddled off to an egg-cellent start at Sea Life Kelly Tarlton’s Auckland, with the birth of fourteen adorable Gentoo chicks. / Supplied by Kelly Tarltons
Senior vet at Wellington Zoo’s 'The Nest Te Kohanga' Baukje Lenting talks about how to know when a young bird needs care.
The dapper duck was enjoying his usual ale when the dog decided enough was enough.
From toys to new furniture, Christmas presents for pets are growing - and so is owner...
They're called "man's best friend" for a reason. And this video shows why.
From Greece to New Zealand, Torty the Tortoise has had more than a century of adventures.
Giant stick insects are just one of the latest additions to Otago Museum's $2.5million revamp. Credit: Otago Daily Times
A heartbreaking scene in Blue Planet is prompting viewers to ditch plastic bags.
Deciding to adopt a pet doesn't have to be a choice between a cat or dog?
Donors don't support species in greater need for conservation - but those rated "cuter".
More than half of horse riders marching said they'd had a near-miss - or even been hit.
A pet dog can make your life not only happier, but longer. Here's the science behind it.
Dog spent month wandering around terminal hoping to be reunited with her owner.
Wellington's first cat cafe comes with a twist; you can take the cats home with you.
Rabbit numbers on the Moeraki peninsula have skyrocketed and are at "plague" proportions, residents say. Credit: Otago Daily Times
Puppies need exposure to different people so they are not fearful of strangers.
Army personnel dig a trench to the sea in a bid to help rescue a stricken Orca on a Marlborough beach. Twitter / @NZarmy
A cow chases a trailer while calves are being taken away. SAFE says cows are distressed when they’re separated from their children just like a human mother would be. / Supplied by SAFE
Trixie the dog has been mauled by a Rottweiler while walking off leash last Thursday, her owner urges for more watchful dog owners. Source - Supplied
Dozens of people, including the army, were involved in the operation.
Paddles' Twitter account has sent out one last, poignant tweet.
An orca whale is stranded at Marfells Beach in Marlborough
A diver whose dad was savaged to death in a shark attack encountered eight of the animals in a feeding frenzy around a whale carcass. / Caters News
NZ's "First Cat" Paddles has been buried in her favourite sunny spot with her toys.