Kia ora: Whitianga
Elisabeth Easther may just have to return to Whitianga in September for its famous Scallop Festival.
Elisabeth Easther may just have to return to Whitianga in September for its famous Scallop Festival.
Only accessible by high tide, Motukaraka promises magic and adventure.
Pohutukawas are trees made for climbing. Here's where to find some great specimens.
Elisabeth Easther finds a goldmine of flora and fauna on coastal walking tracks.
Never shy of sticking her oar in, Elisabeth Easther shares some ideas for nautical adventures you can embark on - if you sea fit.
What's a Blokart? Essentially it's a land sailing gizmo, a wind powered go-kart. Super easy to drive and great fun.
A trip south leaves a glowing impression on Elisabeth Easther.
Justine Tyerman manages to leave Waiheke with her limbs intact after spending Easter - but not a fortune - on the island with her family.
Catherine Smith pedals Taranaki's seafront, stopping along the way.
The wonderful Waipara Valley produces remarkable handcrafted classic wines, writes Paul Rush.
Danielle Wright finds public art in children's playgrounds the perfect combination.
Trundling along in a camper van, Elisabeth Easther and family take in some of Rotorua's stellar attractions.
Danielle Wright and family discover life is laid-back on Rakino Island.
Danielle Wright finds a game of snakes and ladders the perfect lure for her family along the Pakuranga Rotary Walk.
Justine Tyerman delves into the history of a grand old house in Manapouri, Fiordland.
Edward Gay flies CV91 to a remote outpost of New Zealand.