Latest fromMarlborough

Wet weather set to clear for weekend
The rain Aucklanders have copped today is likely to ease for a relatively fine but cool weekend.

Teens evade police in 24-hour crime spree
Two South Island teens stole firearms and several cars - including a Jaguar - in a 24-hour crime spree that finally came to an end when they were arrested in Nelson this afternoon.

Spy base defence faces reform or axe
The 'claim of right' defence that saw three activists escape conviction despite wilfully damaging the Waihopai spy base will be repealed or reformed.

Female postie bids to row Tasman solo
Anamarie Ewins wants to deliver another sporting milestone for New Zealand and become the first woman to row solo across the Tasman.

'Hysterical' coverage prompted Undie 500 offer
Media coverage about the search for a destination for the troubled Undie 500 prompted a couple to offer students their property.

Nick Smith grilled over ETS
Farmers, foresters and others questioned the integrity of the Kyoto Protocol and the theory of global warming at an ETS meeting in Blenheim.

IPCA to probe fatal police chase
The Independent Police Conduct Authority will investigate the death of a 22-year-old man after a brief police chase in Christchurch this morning.

Picturesque Portage nestled in the Sounds
Resort has eating outlets, water frontage and established clientele.

Heavy snow and rain on the way
Nine tourists have been stranded by floodwaters on State Highway 1 north of Oamaru after failing to observe warning signs earlier today.

Kiwis urged to brace for weather bomb
Heavy rain and gales are expected to lash the main islands from tonight, with the MetService warning of one of the "bigger weather events" for some time.

Resthome runaway - elderly woman's big adventure
Rugged up and in sturdy shoes, with a rucksack full of clothes, shampoo and cash, Jeanette Mary Alder was going "as far as she could go".