Kiwi paddlers victorious in 'world's toughest race'
Sophie Hart and Nathan Fa’avae record the event's second-fastest completion time ever.
Sophie Hart and Nathan Fa’avae record the event's second-fastest completion time ever.
The victim's toes were squeezed so hard with pliers, he feared they would 'pop off'.
Invasive weed harms animals and could cost farmers millions of dollars in lost production.
"We made a lot of plans to get us through the winter."
Allister Christie's body was found the next day, still trapped in his submerged car.
One person has died after a crash involving two trucks on State Highway 1.
Campers and long-term residents had been on edge, with concerns a closure was imminent.
Interislander’s Aratere ferry ran aground on Friday night following a steering failure.
Crown prosecutor Jackson Webber said it was 'an appalling rape of a vulnerable girl'.
The man turned up carrying a large knife and “asking for a fight”.
May-laise: A soggy month for many in the housing market.
It's the final day of the convicted double murderer's second appeal.
Wallace at one point asked police if they were trying to lay the murders on him.
Watson's lawyer: Police concertedly and repeatedly used suggestive practices to secure ID.
Emergency planners begin a three-part exercise readying NZ for a major Alpine Fault quake.
Two hairsfound on a blanket taken from Watson's boat were missed on the first search.
Watson was convicted of double murder in 1999 and sentenced to life imprisonment.
OPINION: Braunias was there as Scott Watson got his long-awaited chance to appeal.
'Planning an appeal before the decision is released risks undermining the process.'
'We are relieved the public now knows who he is' - a parent of one of the victims.
The man was critically injured after a crash between his van and a ute on Wednesday.
'His knowledge of the risk would have been far greater than the average New Zealander.'
The verdict has helped to bring closure to Allister Christie's family.
The beachside spot was given notice it would be closing down by July.
The Crown says ‘it takes two’, while the defence says only one person is culpable.
'I was knocked out and bleeding - I thought I was dead,' Kyle Clarke told police.
A debris field was found 51 metres from where Allister Christie's car became airborne.
He will stay on as councillor until October to avoid a byelection.
Now the car thief is on trial, accused of causing Allister Christie's death in chase.
Marlborough councillor settles into two roles and long work hours.