Latest fromLetters to the Editor

Letters: Bayly’s holiday a slap in the face for hard-working Kiwis
OPINION: Also in today's letters – investment summit; Greens on growth; DoC 'kill' permit

Letters: Phil Goff’s sacking was petty politics
OPINION: 'All opinions, all differences and all people matter now. Bigotry doesn’t.'

Letters: NZ’s housing market model is unsustainable
OPINION: House price increases cause economic harm, a Weekend Herald article says.

Letters: Citizen’s arrests are dangerous for dairy workers
OPINION: 'Too often this coalition is repeating failed experiments here or overseas.'

Letters: Cut the penny-pinching on school lunches
OPINION: 'The food provided at school is possibly their only decent meal of the day.'

Letters: Amputate the managers to fix ailing health system
OPINION: 'Children definitely learn better if they are properly nourished.'

Letters: Time to put sex offender victims’ interests first
OPINION: 'Prebble’s opinion, resignation and request for action are to be applauded.'

Letters: Trump has a short memory when it comes to international solidarity
OPINION: When wildfires raged in the US, crews from around the world rushed to help.

Letters: ‘Marmite sandwich’ brigade living in the past
OPINION: 'The evidence for provided school lunches is clear – they work around the world.'

Letters: In support of citizen’s arrest; blame tenants for nasty student flats, not the landlords
OPINION: 'To do nothing is to encourage groups of criminals to continue with offending.'

Letters: Auckland CBD progress requires patience
OPINION: 'Why not allow armed shopkeepers to simply shoot suspected shoplifters?'

Letters: We can no longer rely on Trump’s America
OPINION: 'Beefing up defence is something NZ and others must do.'

Letters: Andrew Bayly got off lightly
OPINION: 'There is no place for this sort of behaviour in the workplace.'

Letters: China’s ambitions echo history; split housing market reflects society
OPINION: 'If China hadn't retrenched in the 1400s, the world might look very different.'

Letters: Treat China as a valued friend, despite war games
OPINION: 'We need a reset of our relationship with China.'

Letters: Intimidatory behaviour is worse than a gang patch
OPINION: 'It seems that every day there’s a new “crisis” in NZ Rugby’s world.'

Letters: A simple solution to the school lunch debate; the bare cheek of rugby streakers
OPINION: 'A sandwich for lunch fed many of us in our youth.'

Letters: Turret Rd tidal flow idea ‘goofy’, 15th Ave memories
Our readers have their say.

Letters: We should be proud of all hospital staff
OPINION: 'We should be proud of, and immensely grateful.'

Letters: Stats NZ boss takes fall for inevitable data breach
OPINION: 'Has justice been truly served with the resignation of Mark Sowden?'

Letters: Crown Law denies justice to iwi; Destiny uproar has whiff of hypocrisy
OPINION: 'When Crown Law can act this way, what faith can any of us have in our system?'