Erectile problems, belly fat and fatigue – welcome to the ‘male menopause’
Telegraph: Testosterone replacement therapy is all the rage among mid-life men.
Telegraph: Testosterone replacement therapy is all the rage among mid-life men.
Telegraph: The training plateau is one of fitness’s dark secrets.
Telegraph: A new study suggests there's a clear winner in the office v WFH health contest.
NY Times: 'I don’t have to tell any story that’s not true about me. And neither do they.'
A dermatologist has revealed why mosquitoes swarm some people but leave others bite-free.
The actor's chances of developing the degenerative condition are eight to 10 times higher.
Learn how to break the ice and engage in open discussions with your kids about vaping.
Te Whatu Ora estimates the public sector currently employs only 350 workers.
Telegraph: Emily Georghiou knew something wasn't right. Doctors wouldn't listen.
Telegraph: A landmark UK employment case is a double-edged sword, writes Celia Walden.
Telegraph: Whether you want to stop drinking or cut back, these strategies can help.
OPINION: It’s time for a more thoughtful approach to healthcare.
Health authorities have warned parents after a spike in the number of "significant" burns
Telegraph: An over-40 health check gave Miranda Levy the wake-up call she needed.
Telegraph: Nikki Rushin had a job and kids - and she was drinking 3 bottles of wine a day.
The classic Kiwi snack has been put to the taste test - here's the verdict.
Radio and TV star Simon Barnett’s wife Jodi has battled brain cancer for more than five years but doctors have now given her just weeks to live. Video / NZ Herald
Forecast of 7.1 per cent premium rise for 940,000 members in the 2024 year.
Telegraph: Strength training and nutrition are key, experts say.
The Princess of Wales was hospitalised with the condition in 2012.
Telegraph: Most people who die from alcohol aren't alcoholics, says Dr Richard Piper.
Financial Times: Six weeks into the UK's first Covid lockdown, Dyson's campus 'reopened'.
'Is it too much to ask for hot nachos?'
Telegraph: Excess salt intake is a serious health risk. Here's how to cut down.
Telegraph: Fat cells 'talk' to prostate cancer cells, groundbreaking research suggests.
Perhaps waking up on the right side of the bed comes down to these easy steps.
New data holds some surprising revelations about how well we're sleeping at night.
I’ve had a few interior bits medically removed over the years.
Emma Heming Willis says "it's hard to know" if her husband understands his diagnosis.
New study finds three quarters of Kiwi mothers don't feel their mental health was supported during pregnancy. Video / Carson Bluck Reporter / Wilhelmina Shrimpton