How much of your life have you spent asleep?
A new online tool calculates how much of your life you've spent asleep - and what you could have achieved if you had been awake instead.
A new online tool calculates how much of your life you've spent asleep - and what you could have achieved if you had been awake instead.
In the past month I have tried two edible insect products: cricket pasta and cricket flour.
Diet has been popularised by celebs who claim it boosts health and aids weight loss but expert says you shouldn't do it if you don't have coeliac disease.
Hi Sandra, I have fibromyalgia. Can you recommend anything to help with this condition?
It may sound a tad flaky but yogurt could help keep dandruff at bay.
Scientists have found that babies born to women with a common form of temporary diabetes that occurs in pregnancy gain weight early on in life.
Mother of three Sue Gaskell-Barlow is participating in groundbreaking ME Support Bay of Plenty charitable trust programme Towards Wellness.
A shop assistant who helped a blind and autistic girl who was upset has attracted praise from around the globe.
It has long been known that cancers are caused by a combination of our genes, diet and lifestyle. Here are eight ways that are proven to lower your risk.
Yoga and meditation are more effective than memory exercises for combating the mental decline that often precedes Alzheimer's, research has shown.
Waikato DHB has come up with a national first by launching a smartphone app that lets people have consultations, text their GP and schedule appointments.
OPINION: The biggest struggle for someone in a relationship with an actively addicted person is not the impact of the addiction, but to recognise the limits of the help we can provide.
As genomic medicine advances, the possibility of manipulating our genetic makeup, and that of our future children, is rapidly becoming a reality.
There's good reason visions of a relaxing holiday often include the ocean. Or why many people fantasise about retiring to the coast.
A 72-year-old Indian woman has given birth to a baby boy after undergoing IVF treatment.
Many adults affected by adult ADHD are misdiagnosed with different mental illnesses such as depression.
The Aids Foundation is pushing for a pill to be approved here for use in HIV prevention after a similar move was made across the Tasman.
It has been hailed as the latest magic bullet for slimmers - a balloon that is placed in the stomach and then filled with water.
COMMENT: The Fitbit's most extraordinary function is that it deludes wearers into thinking they are doing something that will make them healthy.
For Ledger and others, colouring books offer a real elixir, a way of getting past hurdles - mental, physical or both.
Doctors have warned about the dangers of paintballing - after a teenager's liver was damaged during a game.
She may be 80, but this sassy lady still loves to work a set of false eyelashes.
Chances are that we all multitask. It has become easier than ever with the advent of new technologies that let us juggle screens - and even multiple things on each of those screens.
Anne Tiernan had a difficult relationship with her unhappy mother. But, she recalls, baking was the one activity with which her mother could convey her love for her.
Taking a pic of yourself in workout gear has long been a popular pastime on social media.
OPINION: Kyle MacDonald discusses some of the factors that could contribute to a person self harming.