Latest fromHealth & Wellbeing

Reading test could show signs of dementia
If you struggle, it could be an early sign of dementia, scientists claim.

New pasta can ward off heart attacks
Scientists have developed a new type of pasta that can help ward off heart attacks.

Can we control our dreams?
Can we control our dreams? New research suggests we can manipulate the experience.

Promising results for kids' obesity scheme
Taranaki programme tailored for obese kids has delivered some promising results.

In defence of the New Zealand male
Comment: Two great New Zealanders fight back in the wake of a recent shocking survey.

15 reasons why being 50 is way better than being 30
You may think things only get worse as you approach 50. Here's why that's not the case.

Can you really contract diseases from public toilets?
A doctor answers patients' most common question about toilets.

How Weinstein highlights what's missing from society
The Weinstein revelations indicate something severely lacking in our modern world.

Does this ad change how you feel about periods?
A campaign aims to break taboos with what may surprise you as a world first.

How hairdresser got these injuries from her job
Therapist shares photo of client explaining her job as a hairdresser had left her in pain.

Why only intelligent people find this cartoon funny
Study finds reactions to cartoon indicative of intellect. So do you find this funny?

Kiwi teacher's secret to saving on expensive butter
A Kiwi cooking teacher spreads her tip for saving on pricey butter.

How to lose weight
There are plenty of quick fix weight loss plans around. Here's what works long term.

You're making cheese toasties wrong
The simple change that could turn your humble toastie into a lunch time hero.

Is this Gwyneth Paltrow's most embarrassing award yet?
For promoting sex dust and vampire repellent, Paltrow gets a well-deserved "accolade".

The diets that are a total waste of time
Looking for a new diet regime ahead of summer? You can cross these options off your list.

Sex addict reveals horror of his obsession
It started at 15. This year, the "shame" of being a predator became all too much.

The surprising sleep tricks you need to know
Struggling to get to sleep? Try these simple tricks.

Ten super herbs that can improve your health
Forget superfoods! Try these ten herbs to give your health a boost.

The real reason some get addicted to drugs
Drug addiction isn't about bad habits, fear of withdrawal... It's about the brain.

Bizarre yet genius uses for banana peels
Did you know your banana peel could whiten teeth, remove splinters and soothe a headache?

The best foods to eat on a plane
Traveling soon? Turns out there are strict rules for what you should eat on a flight.

Got 10 minutes? You can do this workout
This workout routine can be easily adjusted to your busy lifestyle.

You are what your dad eats
Health experts advise for potential fathers to pay attention to what they eat.

Coconut water is not as healthy as it seems
Investigation found brands are packed with added sugar, despite claims free of additives.

What life would look like without your smartphone
Without a smartphone you would have to carry equivalent of 50 different items.

Warning issued over bizarre vagina trend
Medic warns bizarre trend could increase your risk of sexually transmitted infections.

The real reason your 'healthy' diet's not working
You may think you're doing everything right, but these tips will help boost your efforts.