Silence and mayhem: Hawke's Bay man watched Twin Towers fall
"It was like a funeral procession, really, there was nothing there anymore."
"It was like a funeral procession, really, there was nothing there anymore."
A Hawke's Bay resident and wine maker has received the prestigious international honour.
"My husband heard a scuffle last night and when we pulled the curtain we found it."
OPINION: It might be time for Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta's diplomacy to end.
The large seal was sighted on Monday in Havelock North's Karamū Stream.
People are generally sticking to lockdown rules, as Hawke's Bay readies for alert level 3.
Region closing in on vaccinating 30 per cent of its total population.
'Be a devil, come in,' a sign outside the shop exhorts.
"I've not got make-up on, so it's great."
Kate Jones is assistant manager of Mary's Havelock North at age 21.
Minister Stuart Nash made the announcement at his old school, which will get $6 million.
"We are not embarrassed about ourselves. Life is for living."
"It's an absolutely amazing sound and they just go on and on and on."
"He's my little hero. He did a good job of saving me. I am very proud of him."
How fast could you break down a size 20 chicken, a whole pork leg, and a beef short loin?
Pre-sale tickets for Lorde's Havelock North show sell out.
Residents woke to a foggy start to Friday morning.
"We had our whole night ahead of us," Havelock North hairdresser Caroline Ellmore said.
54-year-old hoping to complete challenge within 14 minutes, beating his previous times.
Don't worry, about a thing, said more than 1000 little hands.
This burst pipe spilled 30,000 litres of water onto Havelock North road.
Nicholas Timothy Yorke, 19, was also badly injured in the crash.
Havelock North private school for boys set for big changes.
Hastings drinking water to be stored above ground. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Constable Glenn McKibbin was shot dead in Flaxmere 25 years ago.
Deputy principal Heather Wilkie will take over as acting principal.
An assault in which a woman received a second concussion has dramatically changed her life
You can catch a mermaid at the National Aquarium or cycle The Big Easy trail.
Te Mata School's Kindness Cup is making a difference. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
House sells for double its valuation with 24 offers. Made with funding from NZ On Air.