Does Canterbury coast harbour submarine secret?
Debate over sightings and sinking of wartime Japanese submarine in New Zealand.
Debate over sightings and sinking of wartime Japanese submarine in New Zealand.
International flights have not been affected by the fog.
Survivor of fatal pursuit crash that killed three people speaks about fleeing drivers.
Since 2008 79 people have been killed in pursuit-related crashes. Who are they?
Arne Murke was lost at sea for over three hours, using his jeans as a life jacket.
The drizzly start to the weekend in Auckland and Northland is set to persevere today.
The scammers called from a phone number which showed up as the Gisborne police.
Four people with links to New Zealand died in the 2014 Malaysia Airlines disasters.
Emergency services are attending the scene near Tolaga Bay.
The bay now has a dual name rather than just English or just te reo.
Mayor Meng Foon was "very confident" the pipe would soon be repaired.
Colleagues unable to save young father who was hit by a log
Gisborne residents only have a few days of water in their reserves.
"Eastern District claw enforcement officers are still trying to establish a motive."
Police were called to a Gisborne home after reports of a man breaching a protection order.
The pursuit was abandoned for a short time before police found the pair again.
Connecting the East Coast: Air Napier is launching a new, direct flight to Gisborne.
Tauranga dog owner Louis Delves jailed for four and a half months.
Hemp giving small Māori community of Ruatoria a chance to redefine itself.
Bryce Edwards asks whether it's cruel and archaic or a sport under fire.
SH35 is closed north of Gisborne after a truck rolled onto the road early this morning.
An emergency response plan will be based on a magnitude 8.9 quake and tsunami scenario.
Police investigate 'suspicious' house fire in Gisborne
The man was seen going into the water at Kaiti Beach about 9.45pm.
Following a wet Christmas period in the North Island, sunshine is expected at New Year's.
This natural wonder has been considered "Gisborne's worst-kept secret".
Rusting sea crane considered too costly to fix despite heritage value.
A law change urged following the suicide of Reiha McLelland, 13, did not happen.
IPCA finds fault in police handling of teacher Sam Back's contact with 13-year-old girl.
Old boys plan to open a "transitional" school in 2020, five years before official plans.