Latest fromEurope

Rugby: Hong Kong test in doubt?
There is speculation that the fourth Bledisloe Cup test could be moved from Hong Kong to Europe due to poor ticket sales.

World at their feet
World celebrates 21 years in the fashion business and its ongoing plans to keep breaking barriers.

Rugby: Composure key to Black Ferns' win
New Zealand's fourth straight women's World Cup win this morning was built around composure, veteran Anna Richards said.

Success: Flooring firm tries to avoid slip ups
Impact-absorbent tiles could become a safety feature in rest homes.

An intuitive direction
The director at the helm of Tilda Swinton's foray into Italian cinema talks to Peter Calder.

Camel milk? Pull the udder one
Recently, milk - in the good old fashioned, cow-in-a-field sense of the word - has found itself under attack.

Study finds babies' smiles may not be all they seem
If you want to tell whether your baby is in pain, looking at its face may not be enough, researchers have found.

New scan shows key to migraines is in the genes
Scientists have found the first inherited link to common migraine and a possible reason for extreme headaches.

Terror threat ends UK-NZ jetski attempt
The threat of terrorism and piracy has put a stop to a New Zealand-based bid to jetski from London to Auckland.

Yachting: Kiwis lead boardsailing champs
A brilliant day for the Kiwis at the RS:X World boardsailing championships in Denmark.

Danish food on top of the world (+recipes)
All aboard the gastronomic express. Next stop, progressive Denmark.

Wine: Get independent
Few wine lovers - even dedicated oenophiles - will have heard of the Spanish white, Albarino, but a single sip will have you hooked.

Keys to spend weekend with Queen
Prime Minister John Key and his wife, Bronagh, will be spending a weekend with the Queen at Balmoral Castle in Scotland.

Spain: The other side of Mallorca
Nightingale song greets Jeremy Laurance as he embarks on a walking tour of Mallorca's secret villages.

Cricket: Pakistan bowlers in match-fixing scandal - reports
The fourth test between England and Pakistan at Lord's will continue as scheduled, despite reports of a betting scam.