Latest fromEditorial

Warships and ferries leave troubled waters for Peters to calm in Asia - Editorial
OPINION: Time is ticking for a solution on Cook Strait ferries as warships sail nearby.

Editorial: How Clayton McMillan’s departure can be a positive for NZ rugby
OPINION: Talent should be free to move - but we must work to lure it back.

Editorial: Lack of employer support for new citizens' arrest law should give Govt pause for thought
OPINION: Some of the Government's biggest business allies see problems with the new bill.

Editorial: Calm heads need to prevail after China’s high seas tit for tat
EDITORIAL: China’s live-firing exercises has fired shots across NZ and Australia’s bow.

Editorial: How the Gangs Act shifted headlines from delays to crackdown successes
OPINION: 3037 charges against gang members in Operation Nickel, including serious crimes.

Shops urged to extend hours to prevent ‘ghost towns’
OPINION: One business leader says businesses need to embrace late-night opening hours.

Editorial: Kiwi home owners floating in a world of uncertainty
OPINION: Borrowers are increasingly banking on better days ahead despite global unrest.

Editorial: Halberg Awards need to represent broader sporting achievements
EDITORIAL: Focus on Olympic sports has left some of our top athletes in the cold.

Editorial: Govt must listen to RBNZ call for better economic statistics
OPINION: Failure to accurately record economic progress can have costly consequences.

Editorial: Rules have exceptions – Daman Kumar should be one
OPINION: He was born here and has never visited India – yet Immigration NZ wants him gone.

Editorial: Destiny’s rainbow protests not fit for a tolerant, liberal society
OPINION: 'Show tolerance for one another in love' – Ephesians 4:2.

Editorial: Rugby’s challenges in spotlight as soccer enjoys its time in the sun
OPINION: The Super Rugby Pacific competition kicks off with storm clouds above.

Editorial: ‘Woke’ or not, political meddling in business sets dangerous precedent
OPINION: It's not for politicians to decide if banks are too woke it is for shareholders.

Editorial: Missing lunches and missing buses - is NZ failing its schoolchildren?
EDITORIAL: Students in our country should not have to hitchhike to school.

Editorial: Why we need tougher measures to tackle minor crimes
OPINION: Shoplifters are leaving supermarkets with trolley-loads of stolen food.

Editorial: End of ban on gay blood donations a long time coming
OPINION: Under the new system, all donors would have individualised risk assessments.

School lunches smack of beggars can’t be choosers - Editorial
OPINION: Just because they're free, doesn't mean they'll be gratefully received.

Editorial: Perenara shows the haka isn’t owned by NZ Rugby
OPINION: Questions are shaded by an inalienable truth about the All Blacks haka.

Editorial: Kāinga Ora shake-up winds clock back to 1905 and NZ’s state housing revolution
OPINION: A 'back-to-basics' move is aimed at making the agency financially sustainable.

Opinion: Why Shane Reti’s demotion was inevitable in health reshuffle
OPINION: The ousted Health Minister has been dignified in exiting the role.

Editorial: PM wrong to stay clear of Waitangi
OPINION: Luxon's move sends the wrong signal during a tense time for NZ race relations.