Pair keen to rekindle relationship despite beating at Women's Refuge
The man found the woman at Women's Refuge accommodation and hit her in the face and body.
The man found the woman at Women's Refuge accommodation and hit her in the face and body.
Emergency services were called to the scene, on the Kilmog, at 10.15am.
Muffled voices in the unit next door on the night before Azalia Wilson was found dead.
A man tried to enter a home for what he thought was a Tinder date.
A Dunedin teen was not loving it when a quick-thinking cop foiled his escape plan.
Nathan Boulter has pleaded guilty to threatening to kill and breaching a protection order.
Brent Bacon came to Dunedin for a fresh start in 2018. Within months, he was dead.
Mixing international aircrew and ordinary Kiwis is risky, Professor Michael Baker says.
A Dunedin woman has survived five heart attacks but didn't want to be interviewed.
'It's not over yet but it's a good way down the track' - Southern DHB's MoH.
A man claimed two members of the force tried to force a statement from him.
Daniel Prattley appeared in the Dunedin District Court on Wednesday.
"The fact someone could get satisfaction from something so nasty is disturbing."
Unis say they'll still suffer financially because foreign students pay much higher fees.
A large amount of the drugs were being sold as MDMA but some is believed to be eutylone.
She tripped and fell on a main road - why did it take so long?
The sheep had been roaming around Scroggs Hill for at least two years.
The competition prizes totalled $10,000 but no-one caught a salmon.
A Dunedin drug dealer is now facing potential physical abuse charges.
Something to sing about: Crowded House's "To The Island" tour is all go.
Raukawa Knight, 42, was intoxicated and angry at the time of the attack.
He has applied to add another three holes to his private golf course.
After he was led away, Dwayne Douglas Keats could be heard yelling from the cells.
Heavy rain across New Zealand has affected its supply of spinach leaves.
Dunedin has received a large influx of students in recent weeks, including from Auckland.
Jury takes less than an hour to find John Kenneth Collins guilty of murder.
Brent Bacon died on February 4, 2019, at a state housing unit in Lock St, St Clair.
More than a dozen drink drivers were caught in the city over the weekend.
Pursuit of domestic abuse charges against senior cop was 'blinkered', says judge.
At this stage, Otago Polytechnic is looking into moving the ceremony to June or July.