Whitebaiter seriously hurt in river fall
An elderly whitebaiter was seriously injured when he fell into the Taieri River south of Dunedin this morning.
An elderly whitebaiter was seriously injured when he fell into the Taieri River south of Dunedin this morning.
A Dunedin woman has denied acting as a party to a man being unlawfully supplied with morphine.
A 47-year-old Dunedin man was arrested after the body of a 66-year-old man was discovered at a Brockville house.
A detailed map showing the location of every dangerously compromised power pole in Dunedin shows just how worried residents should be about the risk of death or injury.
A man has been charged with murder after a body was found at house in Dunedin this morning.
Police are investigating the theft of 28 firearms stolen from a Dunedin home yesterday evening.
Delta and Aurora are being investigated for failing to replace dangerous power poles in Dunedin.
A pedestrian has suffered serious injuries after being hit by a car in South Dunedin.
The cost of housing in Auckland is pushing staff in industries to leave the city, while Auckland businesses must be prepared to pay more to keep staff.
Dunedin risks gaining a reputation as a "slum city" if landlords continue to flout Government standards, Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull says.
A top Auckland school is losing three science teachers as houses become an "unrealistic" goal for many in the profession.
A good Samaritan has described the harrowing moments when a pregnant woman jumped from the second storey of a Dunedin flat as it was being engulfed in flames.
A woman jumped from a burning flat in Dunedin earlier today.
Long weekenders rejoice - the sun is set to continue for the majority of the country over Labour Weekend.
Congestion north of Auckland and around Wellington has eased, NZ Transport Agency says.
Landlords of several student flats on Dunedin's Castle St have found themselves in hot water following a government investigation into rental housing standards.
A simple device designed by an inventive Dunedin mind has the medical fraternity buzzing.
A frightening direct lightning strike at a Mosgiel retirement village yesterday ''caused havoc with the electrics'' and frightened residents and staff.
While Karin Ann Ross was being beaten to death with a hammer, her final act ensured her killer's guilt was etched into his face for all to see.
A St Clair, Dunedin, mother, driving with her young twins in the rear of her car, smashed into a parked ute after drinking two bottles of wine.
A jury has unanimously found a Dunedin cleaner guilty of beating his boss to death with a hammer.
A High Court jury has retired to consider its verdict in the case of a Dunedin cleaner accused of murdering his supervisor.
The Crown says a Dunedin cleaner beat his boss to death after dragging her out of a vehicle in which she tried to escape.
High temperatures indicate Kiwis could be in for record-breaking highs this summer.
A 34-year-old who groomed and performed sexual acts on a young boy three times within a nine-month span has been jailed for four years and three months.
A man dressed as a clown and reportedly brandishing a machete has been arrested.
Passengers faced lengthy delays at Dunedin Airport yesterday, after a crack was discovered in the windscreen of a Virgin Australia flight bound for Brisbane.
'Why don't they shoot the bloody thing?' asks angry Oamaru resident.
While being interviewed by police, a 21-year-old cleaner accused of murder stood by previous comments that he did not care the victim was dead.
Cell-tower data presented to a Dunedin court has raised questions over the location of a 21-year-old cleaner accused at the time of an alleged murder.