What to do if you've gone from a two income household to one
It's a different kind of difficult, as there's less Govt help if your partner is earning.
It's a different kind of difficult, as there's less Govt help if your partner is earning.
KiwiSaver looks like a bloodbath, but you could turn this to your favour.
A mortgage holiday isn't your only option, it's just the most extreme one.
Recession looks likely, but keeping calm means you're more likely to make smart choices
With new announcements every day, here's the guide to what's happening and what's not.
Just signing up and paying into it isn't enough.
Some contract clauses can even mean you lose your dream home altogether.
People often say watch your pennies, the pounds take care of themselves. They're wrong.
Problems with lending and consenting has held back one solution to our housing crisis.
The valuables you need to insure may not be what you think.
Getting more money coming in is great, but only if you stay on the tax man's good side.
There's no standard for 'business ethics', making it hard to compare apples with apples
Being stressed about money can hurt your ability to make it.
FIRE - Financial Independence, Retire Early is possible. Here's how.
In an election year anything could happen - but what's looking likely?
Turns out we do get a lot back from giving to others.
The debt free movement is gathering steam, including in New Zealand.
The amount of changes to housing in 2019 could make your head spin.
Teaming up is a good way to get on the property ladder, but can go seriously wrong.
The digital revolution might make things easier and cheaper, but is there a cost?
Ignoring commercial property can mean you're missing opportunities.
Done right a budget will actually make you feel richer, not that you're going without.
It comes with financial incentives and can create a smaller home for a smaller budget.
This rule of thumb helps you figure out your timeline, which is everything for your money
KiwiSaver might be changing, and there's still time for you to have a say.
58 per cent of us don't even tell our partner how much we earn.
Just a few tweaks to your home could save big bucks.
KiwiSaver balances have been bouncing around lately - here's how to protect yours.
Many ignore their land title or don't understand it - but it can make or break your house.