The faces of the South Island's new leaders following blue election tidal wave
A new party returns to the South Island and several red seats flip.
A new party returns to the South Island and several red seats flip.
Yesterday, strong winds also affected flights in and out of Christchurch Airport.
Gusts have topped 200km/h in Canterbury today.
The man was taught all things sexual were 'the work of the devil'.
File reveals what Shelagh Dawson told police, photos of prescription drugs.
Christchurch group's new album includes official One New Zealand Warriors anthem.
Mega Mecca store - 2nd biggest in Australasia - opens in Christchurch CBD retail precinct.
Judge says Nicola Watts was trying to deflect the blame for her behaviour.
MetService's advice is to vote this afternoon if possible.
Michael McGrath was last seen alive in May 2017.
The $10,000 caravan was stolen despite 'unbreakable' wheel clamps.
Lyndon Sheed was found guilty of manslaughter after punching Kane Wayman.
Yanfei Bao was last seen alive on July 19.
David Benbow is accused of killing childhood friend Michael McGrath in 2017.
Top is keen to enter Parliament - does Ilam want to help them get there?
Husband Simon gives a heartfelt, eloquent tribute to his wife.
A woman appeared in court after bashing her ex and his new girlfriend while they slept.
An 18-year-old was killed after the car she was in fled police.
The man organised sex work for the teenage girl and took $100 of her earnings.
Luxon claims Hipkins is spreading misinformation.
She admitted smothering Liané, 6, and 2-year-old twins Maya and Karla.
'We are completely broken ... words cannot adequately convey how deeply loved she was'
Equipment for a refloat of this vessel is not available in New Zealand.
Corrections and police also disputed whether Corrections was even aware of the report.
False alerts by airport body scanners can lead to embarrassing pat-down searches.
Doctors have told the radio star his 'perfect' soulmate and 'hero' has just weeks to live.
Plus Manji doesn't like the way Labour used the mosque attacks as a recruiting tool.
The neighbours feared for their safety and struggled to live a normal life in their home.
The party's Dale Stephens says he's backing calls for an Eagle in the city.