Sex worker's killer claims 'disease of the mind'
Gambian butcher Sainey Marong was jailed for life for killing Renee Duckmanton.
Gambian butcher Sainey Marong was jailed for life for killing Renee Duckmanton.
Melissa Wepa spent 15 years in jail for killing a friend.
COMMENT: Govt is possibly placing an unnecessary or at least excessive burden on taxpayer.
Benton Parata was bashed in his cell after telling a young inmate to respect elders.
Young mum left fearing for her life after complaining about door-knocking arborists.
New information challenges boyfriend's claim she fell from his moving car while drunk.
North Canterbury Fish & Game took legal advice before ignoring last wishes of fisherman.
North Islanders can expect a dry Sunday and wet Monday.For the South Island, the reverse.
The Serious Crash unit is making its way to the scene.
69-year-old David Viles of Christchurch died at a rural property near Christchurch.
Nigel Taylor allegedly found with meth precursors and cooking gear
Two Christchurch women were allegedly kidnapped and sexually attacked
Girl is the fourth person to be charged over the March 2017 killing.
The company's products will be stocked in over 400 Aussie stores.
Lisa Levy, of Inati restaurant, shares her tips for foodies visiting Christchurch.
Moses Hurrell, 16, admitted the fatal Christchurch beating.
Worker bashed before raiders flee with cigarettes and till.
Passengers were on the plane for about two hours, before being let off about 1am.
Aviation commentator shares his thoughts of Air NZ boss' apology to customers.
A 41 year-old man is in hospital after a serious assault in Christchurch last night.
Marcel Geros accused of abducting woman in Christchurch.
Andrew Stewart admitted a raft of drugs, weapons, and driving charges
"It's a trend that has been on the rise for some time now," doctor says.
A man allegedly tried to abduct two women in Christchurch this morning.
Heath Morris, 18, denies murdering Oliver Johnston.
Emergency services are attending and incident in Christchurch.