Givealittle creates visual display of heartfelt words for mosque victims
Givealittle have selected hundreds of beautiful messages and turned them into an artwork.
Givealittle have selected hundreds of beautiful messages and turned them into an artwork.
Lloyd McIntosh was sent back to prison after abusing staff at his supported accommodation.
Top Muslim cop says challenge is to counter terrorism with compassion.
Canterbury man prosecuted by SPCA for ill-treating his horse.
The 19-year-old said he felt frightened when he escaped and walked to Burger King.
A "firearm" reported turned out to be a paintball gun..
Multi-million dollar synthetics ring operated out of Christchurch dairy, Crown alleges.
The man's lawyer says the British national can leave the country in three days.
Keen horse woman Carly Low shelled out $1000 paid for saddle that never arrived.
Transgender former MP and mayor says: "I want to hear an apology."
Destiny Church opens its doors to rainbow community - but who will walk through?
Mentally unwell prisoner expressed white supremacist views, and support for massacres
Children have been taken from NZ despite border alerts at least four times, lawyers say.
The young man sent a letter applauding the alleged Christchurch attacks gunman.
'Egg Boy' donated $100,000 towards the Christchurch Foundation and Victim Support.
'After a huge amount of red tape, $99,922.36 has today been transferred.'
Canterbury Police have made a plea on Facebook for information.
Officials have stepped into a third of all low-decile schools since 2009.
Great food and hearty laughter ends Islamic day of fasting.
Jay Harding-Rereti was charged is possessing explosive devices, substances and knives.
COMMENT: The whole climate debate has become farcical.
New York Times: Facebook's artificial intelligence whiz faces the task of cleaning it up.
Prolific fraudster and sex offender Alex Bergen hides behind dozens of aliases
Baby Carter Hutton died one year and one day after his fatal injuries were caused.
Comment: The summit in Paris stated the mosque terror attack as "unprecedented".
'They cut padlocked gate and removed towbar lock, backed up and were away in 20min.'
Accused mosque shooter will have a platform to read his manifesto, law professor says.
Motorists beware: Police are cracking down on mobile phones - and other distractions.
How e-scooters stack up against other forms of transport in the accident claims stakes.
A social media user visited by police talks about why he was targeted.