Tenant asks if their rental home is insulated - and gets evicted
The landlord arranged to come over - but instead served a retaliatory termination notice.
The landlord arranged to come over - but instead served a retaliatory termination notice.
Tonight's win makes it the fifth time Powerball has been struck in September alone.
Search for missing woman Melissa Ewings scaled back after phone found.
Son-in-law and daughter were trusted with bank accounts.
One person wouldn't vote for her because they didn't like the Black Lives Matter protests.
Phone tracked to within 100m of Melissa Ewings' house - but no sign of her.
'On-solds' have proven to be a nightmare for hundreds of Christchurch homeowners.
Gen Zers Luke Campbell and Lucy Turner have big plans.
Nine houses were damaged when the sudden blast ripped through in Northwood last year.
The patient was flown to Christchurch Hospital by helicopter.
Fancy "Naughty Ol' Winston"? Or maybe "A Shaw High" is more to your taste?
Police operation after reported 'water incident' stood down at 10.30pm.
Lauren Biddle, 22, died in Christchurch in 2018.
Three fire trucks were sent to the mall along Main North Rd but two were stood down.
Jacinda Ardern wants stronger protections against religious discrimination.
Michael James Pratt was charged with sex trafficking and child exploitation material.
There are three new Covid cases today in managed isolation.
Sir Richie, Jordie... the popular summery fixture is back - but who's landed the big game?
Residents complained of squatters, rubbish, vermin, and, in some cases, faeces.
The project is expected to take between seven and eight years.
The latest social media trends show who Kiwis are discussing the most online.
'It felt like razor blades going through my body.'
Cancer survivors fear the oncology service has reached breaking point.
Man tested positive for Covid-19 days after completing managed isolation.
After her mum was murdered, Georgina Jacobs had little to remember her by - until now.
How Penrich went from being a niche darling of financial world to a nine-figure fraud.
Company has a $500m-$750m secured pipeline of work - Anthony Leighs
Katrina Epiha, convicted of murder, has been on the run for a week.
Seven new cases of the virus were announced, bringing the number of active cases to 77.
Businesses are being warned not to publicly name and shame suspected shoplifters.