Bacon company found as source of listeria contamination
The ham products were recalled from stores last month.
The ham products were recalled from stores last month.
The council signalled its intention to install the bollards in September last year.
The vineyard company owed more than $12 million at the time it went into receivership.
Chance Heath Robinson and Nathan Matthew Hammond have been jailed for the attack.
The lovelorn sea lion ended up on a busy Dunedin road.
Safety signage was intended to warn motorists away from bridge after flooding damage.
"We're very reluctant to let it go," Owner Kevin Stewart said.
Members of the public are advised to avoid the area if possible.
Environment Southland have turned on their flood warning as a precaution.
The award-winning four-bedroom St Andrews Park home sold this week.
There has been a 6 per cent increase in median house prices since the lockdown began.
Project Jonah General manager Daren Grover said the species is known for mass strandings.
A metre and a half of digging along the banks of Awamoa Creek was reported on Friday.
High sea levels caused by adverse weather carried debris onto the road and cycle trail.
The burglary of the Riverstone Kitchen gift shop happened at 2am on January 15.
The column outlines the failings of elected representatives.
Part of the SailGP event will be held in Lyttelton Harbour in January 2022.
Low prices aim to give tourism industry a boost in what is usually its peak season.
Police were called to the incident on Birchs Rd in Prebbleton at about 9.30pm on Tuesday.
Anyone who has information on the incident should contact police.
Police are increasing their patrols in the area.
Gary Wayne Phillips, 65, died when his ute rolled on State Highway 8 on Thursday.
Residents from 20 properties were evacuated during the major fire on Tuesday.
The restaurant will be within the Eastgate Shopping Centre in the suburb of Linwood.
Police say the 20-year-old is lucky to be alive.
The shift to a restricted season begins at 8am today.
Lagwesha Mercer, 28, was sentenced in the Dunedin District Court on Tuesday.
Carrick Wines had been for sale for about 18 months before it's sole director was killed.
One incident involved a drunk woman fleeing police with two toddlers in the car.
A cold snap brought around 8cm of snow to the Cardrona Alpine Resort today.