Latest fromCanvas magazine

The Kitchen lacks spice but Apollo 11 has the right stuff
Tom Augustine finds The Kitchen fails to fire but Apollo 11 soars to new heights.

Anger, gluttony and envy: Confessions of a Kiwi chef
Chef Margot Henderson: "I'd probably spend my last tenner on a nice piece of cheese".

Sacha Baron Cohen on love, spies and laughing
Sacha Baron Cohen talks to Michele Manelis about his serious new role and what scares him.

Art grants the life-blood for laureates
Ten New Zealand artists to receive top awards for stellar contributions.

The travels of an All Black Wife
Linda Burgess writes of arriving in Lyon with her husband, the All Black Robert Burgess.

Calum Henderson goes into overdrive about Hyperdrive
Calum Henderson on the new TV show guaranteed to get your motor running.

Lana Del Rey: the evolution of an enigma
The surprising next step in Lana Del Ray's career sees the singer speaking her mind.

Bill Hader turns to a new chapter of It
It star Bill Hader on scary movies and the real-life event which terrified him as a child.

Best of 2019: What ever happened to the Nek Minnit guy?
Levi Hawken tells Russell Brown about fame and becoming a meme.

Bewildered - how one woman left life behind for 3000kms in the wilds of New Zealand
What would move you to ditch your life and take five months off to hike the length of NZ?

Years and Years - TV's not-so-bright vision of the future
Calum Henderson wants to know what happened to TV's vision of a bright future?

Danielle Hawkins - the rural romance stories taking the farmer and vet to the best-seller lists
Rural romance - the farmer and vet turned best-selling New Zealand novelist.

Simon Wilson on THAT hand sculpture
Wellington has a new public artwork and not everybody is happy, writes Simon Wilson.

The curious adventurer - film maker Pietra Brettkelly
Filmmaker Pietra Brettkelly on a thirst for adventure and why NZ will always be home.

Guy Williams: 'Social media is destroying me'
Guy Williams talks gluttony, envy and wrath when he steps into the Canvas Confession Box.

From a Greek tavern to a backyard barbecue - the best new cookbooks
Baking, brisket and the world's fastest dinners.

An episode with... Tom Bateman on being cast the heart-throb
Tom Bateman talks with Des Sampson about the Beecham House and being famous

Steve Braunias: The last school trip
Steve Braunias looks forward to the next - his last - school trip.

A date-night buffet where shabu-shabu takes care of the small-talk
Swish, don't soak, to get the best out of this all-you-can-eat date night restaurant.

Jameela Jamil on why she stood up to the Kardashians
Times: Why the star is campaigning against female body-shaming.

Once Upon A Time... In Hollywood is a 5-star ode to another era
Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood: Quentin Tarantino gets emotional.

Does Celebrity Treasure Island live up to the original?
Calum Henderson on Celebrity Treasure Island - no one wants a grown-up What Now.

Psychos, stalkers, pervs and trolls beware: Carrie Goldberg is coming for you
If social media is the internet's Wild West, Carrie Goldberg is the sheriff dealing to it.

Lily McManus confesses: Sexual guilt and hot temper
Lily McManus fights slut-shaming: "It's not something young women should grow up with."

NZ's female poets celebrated in sweet new book
Prolific poet Paula Green brings NZ's female poets into the sun with evocative new book.

Artistic farewell to iconic food plaza
Artistic farewell to iconic food plaza as gallery pops up to mark origins and new starts.