Latest fromBest of Business Analysis

Fran O'Sullivan: Ardern makes her China debut
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern makes the most of her top table invitation.

Tim McCready: 2019 — a year of challenges
Global uncertainty casts a shadow over Asian Financial Forum in Hong Kong.

China's "tough struggle" a challenge for NZ
Our ties to China still serving us well.

Liam Dann: Interest rate u-turn is middle-class welfare
COMMENT: Our Reserve Bank has followed US in a retreat from higher interest rates - again.

Diana Clement: Overcoming that voice in your head
COMMENT: When it comes to personal finances, Kiwis can tend to dwell on the negatives.

Brian Gaynor: Facebook needs to face up to hard questions
COMMENT: Will Facebook's culture encourage more govts to rein in social media platforms?

Q&A: Your questions on capital gains tax
How would the Tax Working Group's plan for a capital gains tax affect you?

Fran O'Sullivan: Aussies get it right with hard-line social media stance
COMMENT: Oz is once again ahead of play when it comes to clamping down on terrorism.

Fran O'Sullivan: Mega-rich investors must stand up for NZ
COMMENT: It is the right and moral thing to do.

Matthew Hooton comment: Jacinda Ardern's moment has come
Following the terror attack, PM is in a position to act decisively on a range of issues.

Brian Fallow: Climate change kids are all right
Schoolchildren see the need to curb emissions - so why don't the grown-ups?

Diana Clement: The biggest financial mistakes we make for our children
COMMENT: We're often too busy to sit down with our children and talk through money.

Liam Dann: Dairy to rescue as property boom economy falters
COMMENT: As risks around domestic economy grow, export prices once again come to rescue.

Saving money on health insurance
Diana Clement: Private health insurance is essential for some and a luxury for others.

Brian Gaynor: 'Whack-a-mole' Fletcher can learn from a2 Milk
COMMENT: Fletcher and a2 Milk have had totally different sharemarket performances recently

Liam Dann: Let's dial down the noise around CGT
COMMENT: With all the song and dance about CGT, some basic truths are being forgotten.

Diana Clement: It's never too early to start saving
COMMENT: Ask how you can do it, not why you can't.

Liam Dann: Why the economy is a slim-fit suit in the wrong decade
COMMENT: Are we near the end of a cycle? Or has something fundamentally changed?

Diana Clement: Don't be loan-ly this year
COMMENT: It might be time to give two fingers to the loan industry.

Brian Gaynor: Houses and shares deliver a decade of growth
Houses or shares, which is the best investment? This is a recurring question in NZ.

NZ's wealth gap: It's have-mores v have-nots
Richest NZ households have more assets, but poorest have been left behind.

Diana Clement: The ghosts of holiday spending
COMMENT: Are the ghosts of holiday spending haunting you?

Brian Gaynor: Why Aussies are winning retirement race
COMMENT: Change needed to KiwiSaver if New Zealanders are to catch up.

Diana Clement: Last-minute Xmas gifts
COMMENT: 'Twas the night before Christmas and you still haven't bought everything.

Twelve ways of Christmas credit card debt
COMMENT: Here are 12 ways to manage your money more wisely this summer.

Liam Dann: Can we all be 'social influencers'?
COMMENT: Kids these days want to monetise their stupidity.

Diana Clement: Don't break the bank this Xmas
COMMENT: Planning reduces the cost of Christmas.

Diana Clement: Give zero-waste gifts this Christmas
COMMENT: Just be wary of products marketed at this niche that are unnecessarily expensive.