Matthew Hooton: How National completely lost touch with voters
Out of touch party must take a deep breath, and avoid rushing into rash decisions.
Out of touch party must take a deep breath, and avoid rushing into rash decisions.
Ardern has made it clear that she's steering for the middle of the road.
Financial Times: Further liberalisation would lift many constraints.
New Government policy will fundamentally alter some norms in NZ employment relationships.
The fresh Labour Government is now fully accountable for the quality of public spending.
Financial Times: Policymakers must avoid the mistake of withdrawing support too soon.
Fiscal policy must come later, but when it does, business will be watching.
iPhone 12's next-gen system solid but tech needed to unleash it still in pipeline.
2020 has brought with it several notable hacks, illustrating why we need a bold new Act.
Financial Times: Bets rise on a Democratic 'blue wave' in the White House and Congress.
COMMENT: Ardern doesn't need outside support but Shaw and Peters may be assets.
Many faithful disillusioned but rival Biden far from inspiring.
When they have money to save, are they best to put it in a bank account or KiwiSaver?
Whether voting or investing we have a voice — and using it can make a difference.
Why are there no Sustainability Officers in any of our 20 DHB executive teams?
The Opposition has not accepted it was legitimately beaten in 2017 and 2020.
Health and superannuation costs are bigger issues.
Advances in graphics processing big deal for anyone in games, video and the like.
One has to question whether competency has ever been a prerequisite for voting?
I am incredibly worried about my son catching Covid-19.
Financial Times: The real threat to becoming a specialist is the yearning for quick fixes.
Problems plaguing construction industry are obvious for all to see.
Like it or not, cheques are nearing the end of the line.
Finance Minister makes it clear who'll be in charge in future.
You would normally expect National to be more fiscally prudent. Not this time.
Financial Times: Wall Street's latest financing craze is showing serious signs of froth
Choosing legalisation means supporting the rule of law and ending the hypocrisy.
Editorial: The NZ taxpayer and domestic tourists are propping up the sector.
COMMENT: It appears that those who don't adapt get left behind.
The New Zealand sharemarket made a small gain on another late surge in trading.