Latest fromBest of Business Analysis

Kiwi business stars earn their stripes in the US
NZ companies doing the business in the USA.

<i>Fran O'Sullivan:</i> China ready to back NZ's UN bid
Fran O'Sullivan believes the visit to NZ by Chinese Vice-President Jinping is probably of more long-term importance than a visit by his US counterpart, Joe Biden.

<i>David Chaplin:</i> Everything you know about regulation is wrong
There have been so many twists in this storyline that it's difficult to remember who's who, what's what and, more importantly, why.

<i>Jonathan Dodd:</i> All media facing advertising challenges
Three distinct styles of marketing are competing...

<i>John Shaw:</i> Ask before you buy that business, and avoid any nasty surprises
It's all very well having the right to sue on the agreement when unforeseen problems arise, but it's far better to find out about the problems and deal with them before going ahead.

<i>Martin Hawes:</i> Investing in ethics
The idea of improving the world by investing has been around for a long time but in this country it has never really caught on.

<i>Liam Dann</i>: Gulf spill may put dampener on NZ oil drilling
Is the attention New Zealand is getting from foreign oil prospectors accelerating?

<i>Brian Fallow:</i> Rates going up but where's the ceiling?
Brian Fallow writes that several factors will influence how often Bollard taps the brakes.