Latest fromBest of Business Analysis

<i>Fran O'Sullivan</i>: Pandering to China on Key agenda
Prime Minister John Key will launch his own version of 'Panda diplomacy' in Beijing today.

<i>Gareth Morgan:</i> Best treatment goes to the loudest
The way the limited resources of our public health system are allocated across those in need is increasingly ad hoc and unfair.

<i>Gill South</i>: Win, lose or draw - World Cup offers lessons
The FIFA World cup has plenty of examples of management techniques...

<i>Deborah Hill Cone</i>: Rates: Up and up then down the hole
Paying ever-rising taxes to local bodies is the ultimate grudge expense.

<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: Crime sleuths separate forensics
Scientists say watchers who have fallen victim to the CSI effect need a dose of reality.

<i>Stock takes</i>: Return of the king
Ron Brierly is rumoured to be making a trip to NZ

<i>Bernard Hickey:</i> Lost mana and hope means pulling plug on SCF
It's time for the Government to limit taxpayers' losses by winding down SCF.

<i>Liam Dann</i>: Gloves come off as break-up proposal unravels
Tony Gibbs talk GPG with Liam Dann

<i>Brian Fallow</i>: Winners and losers in ETS wealth shift
Over the next two and a half years the emissions trading scheme will effect a substantial transfer of wealth.

<i>Deborah Hill Cone</i>: Same old problems under the skin
I may be a lone voice here, but where finance companies are concerned things seem to have got a bit out of proportion.