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<i>Ernie Newman</i>: Don't fret, our broadband policy is sound
NZ's ultra-fast broadband project is recognised globally as world-class, says TUANZ chief.

<i>Brian Fallow</i>: Super age alternatives need debate
Let's assume for the sake of argument that people are more open to the idea of a later age of retirment eligibility than they give us credit for.

<i>Fran O'Sullivan</i>: Fears grow we're selling the golden goose
A Govt admission that fear of a major Chinese land grab in NZ would test the nation's free-market credentials.

<i>Andrew Gawith</i>: Cautious investors are right on the money
Are too many Kiwis stumbling into KiwiSaver?

<i>Tim Mackle:</i> Sustainability key to our growth
Dr Tim Mackle, chief executive of DairyNZ, warns of the challenges ahead for New Zealand dairying.

<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: Chinese-script domain names a web milestone
Debate over .xxx websites has eclipsed news about a move that will benefit a billion users.

<i>Craig McIvor</i>: Before you start training, ask: What is it that you're training for?
Rather than teaching young people how to be CEOs, it's better to start with the basics.

<i>Brian Fallow</i>: Do we even need ultra-fast broadband?
It may be a solution that will not work to a problem that does not really exist.

<i>Peter Bills:</i> Don't shoot the messenger, guys
There was I thinking you Kiwis were a friendly, welcoming bunch and I get banished to Oz for daring to question NZ's sky-high prices.

<i>Gill South</i>: To see ourselves as others see us - it isn't always a pretty sight
Criticism of NZ business can be hard to take...

<i>Deborah Hill Cone</i>: Helping hands get all the respect
Sure, we revere those who help others, but spare a thought for all the rest.

<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: Old standards won't guide move to broadband
Rules drafted in the 1970s don't have much to tell us about where the internet is heading.

<i>Fran O'Sullivan</i>: NZ behind eight ball on China's pool table
New Zealand may find itself economic toast if it doesn't get a comprehensive China strategy together - and fast.

<i>Allan McRae</i>: Accountability far too important to be left to directors to decide
More companies are likely to go private if boards don't improve...

<i>Deborah Hill Cone</i>: Lift the drawbridge, it's Fortress NZ
Fear of foreigners is the new fashion in our island hideaway.

<i>Steve O'Neill</i>: Looking beyond the business
Software company has accumulated an impressive customer list, despite some heavyweight competitors.