Latest fromBest of Business Analysis

Brian Fallow: Kiwis renewing appetite for debt
Kiwi households have regained their appetite for debt, and it is getting rapidly more hearty, write Brian Fallow.

Review to help untangle red tape
If there is a tendency for businesspeople's lips to curl at the very sight of their local council offices, writes Brian Fallow, the reaction may be unfair or at least misdirected.

Fran O'Sullivan: TPP anything but plain sailing
The powerful US Chamber of Commerce has made it clear that the TPP deal is important to America's future success and job creation, writes Fran O'Sullivan.

Success: Hard wired for quality
Pair find niche in high-tech marine and residential automation jobs.

Brian Fallow: Loan-to-value no magic bullet
Reserve Bank eyes tools to help prevent booms and busts that devastate household and bank balance sheets.

Fran O'Sullivan: Shearer's vision can unite Labour
David Shearer's vision is for a New Zealand known the world over for smart thinking and really smart businesses taking the world by storm, writes Fran O'Sullivan.

Fran O'Sullivan: Time for Key to call an economic summit
Optimism and shock over dire jobs news no excuse for Govt inaction.

Brian Fallow: US President on edge of fiscal cliff
Looking at the US' fiscal numbers it is hard to escape the conclusion that the land of the free is also the land of the free-loader, writes Brian Fallow.

Chris Barton: Taxation's black hole
New Zealand is an attractive destination for foreigners who want to make their taxes disappear.

Govt housing plan misses mark
Any approach to lifting housing affordability has to be broader than boosting the responsiveness of the supply side of the construction market, writes Brian Fallow.

Hickey: Nimbys thwart housing options
Bernard Hickey looks at how nimbyism is thriving, magnified by the power of tax-free capital gains.

Bernard Hickey: Tax evaders can be artful dodgers
Avoiding or evading tax used to be socially acceptable, or at least not socially unacceptable. Bernard Hickey looks at how artful these dodgers can be.

Hickey: Headwinds head off further growth
Just imagine if economic growth wasn't a natural thing. Bernard Hickey looks at the possibilities.

Success: Entrepreneur looks for tail wind
Former accountant chases success in sport and in his own business.

Hickey: Heresy the norm for central banks
Heresy is, unfortunately, becoming common in central banking. The world's most important central banks are printing money like there's no tomorrow. Bernard Hickey looks into it.

Dita De Boni: Making migrants welcome
New arrivals are adding to, not subtracting from, New Zealand's future.

Tabloid hack vs shock-jock
John Drinnan's media column looks at Paul Henry's chances of a TVNZ close up, and the fallout from a Kiwi newsman's 'Gotcha' tape of Alan Jones.