Latest fromBest of Business Analysis

Chris Barton: A smart way forward for ChCh
Christchurch is progressing far too slowly. FESTA suggests a smart way forward to bring life back into the city.

Graham McGregor: Using creative thinking to increase your sales
There is a simple creative thinking system that you might like to use to increase your sales fast. It's called the 20 idea method.

'Holiday' can get around the super-scheme
I am changing jobs and my new employer is exempt from automatically signing up employees to KiwiSaver as they have their own super scheme, while also offering KiwiSaver.

Nick McDonald: Lessons from a trading legend
With more than 50 years' trading under his belt, US trading legend Larry Pesavento has learned a few things about the markets.

Liam Dann: Disruption, the new buzzword
Digital disruption was the hot topic at the Institute of Finance Professionals (INFINZ) conference last week, writes Liam Dann.

Bernard Hickey: Long-term payments the road to success
Auckland Council's report on its transport future is a stark reminder about how the low-inflation landscape is changing everything, writes Bernard Hickey.

Diana Clement: Mortgage options available to get up ladder
Getting a mortgage is much harder than it was before the global financial crisis. No longer will banks lend willy-nilly.

Jock Anderson's Caseload: Wayward briefs an 'insult' to stickler judge
A lawyer who misspelled the name of the trial judge incurs the wrath Justice Wylie and complaints against judges on the decline in this week's Caseload.

John Drinnan: MySky move to outshine Neon
The subscription video-on-demand service Neon is the brightest light in the new Sky TV product lineup announced last week. The new service will offer movies, and TV shows such as Girls, Fargo and True Blood.

Stock Takes: Orion IPO asks for leap of faith
Software developer Orion Health's initial public offer prospectus, which was registered on Tuesday, contains a lot of impressive numbers.

Brian Fallow: Inflation monster goes missing
Where has inflation gone and does it have a return ticket? Little wonder the Reserve Bank has just left interest rates on hold and the markets expect no change in the official cash rate for another year or so.

Juha Saarinen: Tech in Japan and BMW ConnectedDrive
Tech is part of everyone's life in Japan, but doesn't appear to have supplanted their livelihood, even for menial tasks.

Five ways to stretch your savings
With people living longer one of the biggest worries for soon-to-be-retired folks is how to make their savings stretch out for the long-haul.

Stock Takes: BurgerFuel pulls out of Iraq on Isis threat
Kiwi company BurgerFuel has pulled out of Iraq as a result of the increasing threat of the Islamic State jihadist group in that country.

Brian Fallow: Wealth gap goes mainstream
It is a sign that the times, they are a-changin' when leading central bankers, of all people, are publicly deploring prevailing levels of, and trends in, inequality.

Jock Anderson's Caseload: Struck-off lawyer rides again
Struck-off Auckland ex-lawyer Barry Hart is back in the saddle, this time as a "lay advocate" representing banned jockey David Walker.

John Drinnan: TVNZ losing Maori link
Outsourcing of Maori programming will make Television New Zealand less engaged in the Maori world - but that might suit the broadcaster.

Peter Calder: Touch of elegance in a tough business
At Desle Sullivan's pawn shop, the welcome is not exactly promising. Her dog, a 5-year-old bichon-silkie cross, practically throws himself at the glass of the front door, which is luckily closed, even though it's opening time.

Inside Money: Liquidation looms for van Eyk
The sale of van Eyk Advice NZ should be concluded within days, according to the first report to creditors from the administrator of its Australian parent.

KiwiSaver: Willing and able to contribute from overseas
Can I still contribute towards KiwiSaver and send money into my KiwiSaver account if I move overseas?

Nick McDonald: John Key's Forex genius
Whether it is John Key pulling the strings or not, there are smart minds at work in the NZ currency market, writes Nick Mcdonald.