Latest fromBest of Business Analysis

Christopher Niesche: German giant puts squeeze on competitors
German retailing giant Aldi has brought a new supermarket experience to Australian shoppers.

Liam Dann: Taxing of online purchases may be unpopular but it's a fair call
John Key's decision to weigh in on the debate about taxing of foreign online purchases seemed to come out of left field last week.

Bernard Hickey: Taxing times in the cloud
Bernard Hickey writes: John Key grappled this week with one of the toughest tasks any modern government has to deal with - how to tax the new economy.

Brian Gaynor: Confidence helping our economy power ahead
The December quarter 2014 gross domestic product statistics, released this week, show the economy was a top performer last year.

Mary Holm: Early KiwiSaver start looks well ahead
The main negative of KiwiSaver for kids is that the money is tied up until they buy a first home or retire, writes Mary Holm.

Diana Clement: Pays to check bank rates
Are zombies eating your bank interest? Zombie accounts are the ones that pay low interest rates - sometimes as low as zero.

Jock Anderson's Caseload: Bikkie ban boosts Law Society coffers
The ADSL has stopped losing money - due, in part, to savings made from a free chocolate biscuit ban.

Inside Money: House prices weaken as global property trends converge - survey
New Zealand has zero affordable housing markets, according to the '11th Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey'.

Juha Saarinen: Telco aid Ushahidi site for Vanuatu
Volunteers have set up a Ushahidi website to gather and coordinate offers of telecoms equipment for Vanuatu.

Robyn Pearce: Seize the moment
If we take the time to be present in the moment, we expand time – we have more of it.

Brent Sheather: University degrees - choose wisely
The lesson seems to be, today more than ever, when considering university education: choose carefully if employment is your objective.

Christopher Adams: Low-profile listings may prove solid rather than showy
Could 2015 go down in history as the year of the boring sharemarket listings?

KiwiSaver: Land legitimate use of first-home funds
If my husband and I purchase land using our KiwiSaver funds, can someone else build the house for us to live in or does the title of the house need to be in our names?

$220m of new work planned
Auckland's rapidly expanding economy has prompted the city's biggest private developer to announce $220 million of new work.

Takeover bid challenges Telstra's crown
Almost no one outside his inner circle knows what David Teoh looks like.

Liam Dann: Plenty of practice with dairy safety issues
This time, with the threat made by some nasty individual to poison baby formula with 1080, it certainly seems like Government and industry efforts have been much better co-ordinated.

Mary Holm: Provincial town trends can change
Selling up to rent could leave you high and dry if prices firm and you want to get back into the market, writes Mary Holm.

Brian Gaynor: Buffett's words of wisdom
Octogenarian billionaire investor says ambitions have no finish line, writes Brian Gaynor.

Diana Clement: Love at first byte, but no sure profit from collecting
Collectibles are subject to the laws of supply and demand. They can provide some protection from inflation, but aren't the best hedge around, writes Diana Clement.

Jock Anderson's Caseload: How the judge thanked a chum
CaseLoad's coverage of the stellar career of a dashing celebrity judge was graciously acknowledged recently.

Brian Fallow: Trade disputes not so clear-cut
As people turned out to march against the Trans-Pacific Partnership last weekend, one of the issues exercising them was "investor-state dispute settlement" (ISDS).

John Drinnan: No Spark in Henry's new show
Leading telecommunications company Spark actively considered becoming the cornerstone sponsor of the new Paul Henry breakfast show, but has pulled out, writes John Drinnan.

Inside Money: Bonanza! How banks cash in on KiwiSaver
If banks wanted to adopt a theme song for KiwiSaver it would have to be the song from Bonanza.

Andy Hamilton: Kiwi companies need to think bigger
Everything is fine in New Zealand is it not? The country has experienced a great few years. We have ridden the commodity boom and other countries' misfortunes.