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What the police should have done with Hager
Juha Saarinen talks Hager, Whale Oil, Dirty Politics, Rawshark, and what the police didn't do.

Juha Saarinen: Dangers lurk in crisis app
Facebook needs to look hard at Safety Check before using it in disasters, writes Juha Saarinen. A very good friend of mine was informed via Facebook that her friends in Paris were safe. Not just once, but through five separate notifications.

Create a new revenue stream for your business
Today's marketing tip is on how to create a brand new revenue stream for your business in November.

Christopher Niesche: Anger over Woolworths chief's exit
Not only do you get handsomely paid for doing your job, even if you don't do it particularly well, very often you also get paid for leaving your job.

Get Sorted: People's affinity for fraud
Since it's Fraud Awareness Week, it's time to check in and make sure we're protected.

Debbie Mayo-Smith: Ideas to steal from a very smart marketer
I'm always looking for a good marketing story, which led me into a great discussion with one of my newsletter subscribers, Kirsten O'Brien, writes Debbie Mayo Smith.

Liam Dann: Terror attacks will spook markets
COMMENT: It is never comfortable to make the leap from real human tragedy to assessing economic and financial fallout, writes Liam Dann.

Fran O'Sullivan: Asset sales make sense, if they help fund Auckland's future
Government has made it clear there is a limit to how much Auckland taxpayers will pay.

Brian Gaynor: Auckland lacking apartments
One of the main differences between Auckland and the three major East Coast Australian cities is the huge number of apartments.

Brian Fallow: Productivity stats get a nudge
A more cheerful picture of productivity growth than the official statistics give us emerges from new research into what has been happening at the level of individual firms.

John Drinnan: Little light on illicit movie sales
The Mt Wellington movie pirating operation shut down by Hollywood studios was run by a New Zealand representative sportsman.

Robyn Pearce: Are you too available?
Robyn Pearce talks about the effects of being too available. "Many go home every night frustrated by the myriad interruptions that block them from attending to their real work."

Fran O'Sullivan: Andrew Little's grab for territory is weak
If Andrew Little was hoping to craft a new Labour playbook, last weekend's sop to the party faithful at their annual conference was remarkably effete, writes Fran O'Sullivan.

Bella Katz: John Lewis Christmas ad and long running narratives
Department store John Lewis has created another much-talked about Christmas advertisement and rings in the upcoming retail season.

Brent Sheather: Ethical investments - or not
There are some fundamental issues with investing in ethical funds which retail investors should be aware of.

Graham McGregor: How to easily get a lot more marketing done
If you've been in business for a while you soon realise that there are a lot of different marketing strategies for promoting your products and services.

Get Sorted: Bundle us into temptation
Everyone has their guilty pleasures - but can we link them to other positive habits as well?

Debbie Mayo-Smith: Get on Google Maps for more business
I took my fingers to Google Maps. You might not notice that you can search for nearby restaurants, hotels, businesses. To my surprise, only a few were listed - even though it's free.

Why Xero differs from the unicorns
There are those who say you can never have too many unicorns. But others fear that increasing numbers may be a bad omen.

Dual listing is possible for Tegel
New Zealand chicken producer Tegel could end up being Australasia's first major public share offering of 2016.

Diana Clement: Five Ds for Auckland property investors
Saddling yourself with debt for poor gross yield is dopey, says expert.

Fran O'Sullivan: Lochinver about-face needs explaining
After saying it would not put property back on the market, Stevenson has now sold it.

Brian Gaynor: Apple and tax
Why is IRD billing an 81 year old New Zealander $40m a year while Apple has an annual tax bill of less than $10 million?

Brian Fallow: Pricing key to electricity's power
The way electricity lines companies charge for their services is all wrong and needs to change if we are to take advantage of emerging technologies, the Electricity Authority says.